Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

I shake my head and close the book, placing it back inside the drawer. I stand up and walks out of the Y/N's room and head to mine. I lay in my bed and drift off to sleep.

-He's... Real?-


"Y/N! Hurry up! Edward is here! We need to get to school" Bella called out. "I know! I'm almost done!" I said back, and quickly finish up showering. I put on my clothes, brush my hair. After I made sure I look okay, I head out the bathroom. I head to my room and grab my backpack. Then I jog out the house.

Edward chuckles when he sees me. "What? Are you worried that we might leave you behind?" He said, making me roll my eyes. "I know you wouldn't. I just don't want to keep my "brother in law" waiting..." I said, in teasing voice. Bella blush at what I just said.

"I haven't agree yet, Y/N... hush..." she said. "Yeah... yeah... whatever... we both know soon or later you'll both get married..." I said, rolling my eyes. "I would hit you... but I don't wanna hurt myself..." she said, in a threatening voice. I just stick my tongue out at her. She playfully glare at me.

I hear Edward chuckling. "Come on, girls... we don't wanna get late..." Edward said. "Okay bro..." I said, purposely teasing Bella. "Y/N..." Bella said, sternly. I laugh at her and raise my hand in mock surrender.

"Alright alright! No more teasing. For now" I said, smirking as I walk towards Edward's car and get inside. Even after being inside the car... I can hear her clicking her tongue in annoyance, before getting in the car too. I giggle softly, while Bella is sulking in her seat.

"Don't tease your sister too much, Y/N..." Edward said, even though I can see him laughing. "You love it... admit it..." I said. Edward just shakes his head as he starts the car and begin to drive to school.

It didn't take long for us to reach school. That's how fast Edward drive. "I'm still surprise no one give you a ticket yet..." I said. He just shrugs his shoulders.

I can sense someone here. I turn my head to see Jacob standing by the school's entrance. Edward notice the same. "Maybe you should stay in the car..." he said, getting off the car. But of course, she won't listen. "Of course not..." Edward said. I giggle to myself and get off the car as well.

"Jacob... hey..." I said. "Hey, Y/N..." he said, smiling at me. Then he turns to look at Bella. "Charlie said you're leaving the town..." he said. "Yeah... me and Y/N actually... we're going to visit our mom..." she said.

"He's checking if you're still human..." Edward said. "I'm here to warn you... if your kind comes to our land again..." he said. "Wait what?" Bella said, looking at him in confusion. "You didn't tell her?" Jacob said, looking at Edward in disbelief.

"Emmet and Paul... had a misunderstanding..." he said. "You lie to get her out of town too?" Jacob said. "Shut up now..." Edward said, glaring at Jacob. "She has the right to know... she's the one the red head want.." he said, glaring back. "Wait... Victoria?" I said, suddenly feeling protective of Bella. Jacob nods his head at me.

"Alice's vision..." Bella said, turning to look at Edward. "I'm trying to protect you..." he said. "By lying to me?" She said, looking hurt that Edward kept something so serious from her. Edward just stayed silence.

"We're going to talk about this, but... you! Why aren't you calling me back?" She said, turning to look at Jacob. "I've got nothing to say..." he said, turning around and walk away. "Well... I have plenty!" She said, and was about to go after him. I grab her hand "give him time, Bella..." I said. She turns to me and shake her head. Seems like she really needs to speak to Jacob. I watch as Bella get on Jacob's bike. Then they speed off.

I turn to look at Edward. He have an annoyed look on his face. "Don't doubt her feelings for you... she loves you..." I said. He turns to look at me and just smile softly.


I take Bella's truck and head to Jacob's house. I don't really want to go there. Especially after knowing that I'm a hybrid, that not only I'm a vampire. But I have the ability to phase into a wolf too. But since Bella called me and practically begged me to come along. I give in... I mean... I can't really say no to my sister.

When I get there it was around night time. I park the truck and get off. Emily is sitting on the porch. I just walk up to her awkwardly.

"Hey... it's been a while... usually you and Bella will come together..." she said, hugging me. "Sorry... I just have a lot of things going on..." I said. She nods her head, knowing what I'm talking about.

Jacob and the rest of his pack knew about me being a hybrid. They just haven't seen me phase into a wolf yet... and surprisingly... they are okay with it. Well... I haven't meet the whole pack. But majority of them are okay with it... so I hope the rest of them will too. But that doesn't mean I don't feel awkward though... because I do.

"Bella's with Jacob... they are heading that way... just keep walking straight and you'll find the bonfire..." she said. "Thanks, Em... I'll get going now... before she starts nagging me for being late" I said. She just giggles and nods her head. I turn around and walk towards the direction she showed me.

Bella P.O.V

"Are you sure this is okay? You know I hate to be a party crusher..." I said, turning to look at Jacob. "Technically you're a council meeting crusher..." he said. He gestures towards the people sitting around the fire. "See? The council leaders. Dad... that's Sue Clearwater... she takes Harry's place after he passed away..." he said.

"Okay... I should not be here..." I said, stepping back a bit. Jacob turns to look at me. "Are you okay? I thought... it'll be good for you to know the history..." he said. "What history? The tribe's history? Aren't they a secret?" I said, feeling even more nervous.

"We all got a role to play... you're a part of us... this is also the first time Seth, Leah and Collin heard them too... but you are the first outsider... ever. Plus Y/N is going to be here as well, right? Oh right... speaking of her... where is she?" He said.


"Right here... sorry I'm late... so... I heard that we're going to hear the history about the Quileute tribe..." I said. "Yeah..." Jacob said, smiling at me. I frown at this. "That means I shouldn't be here... so I should leave..." said, turning around to leave. "Y/N... don't go..." Bella said. I let out a sigh and turn to look at her.

"Bella... you're forgetting what I am. I don't know where I stand right now. I'm partly a vampire... which means I don't belong here..." I said. She looks sad at what I said. I was about to walk away, but this time Jacob stops me.

"Yeah... but you're a shifter too, Y/N... so it's okay, you can listen too..." Jacob said. "Are you sure?" I said. "Positive..." he said, smiling at me. "Just stay, okay? I don't want to be the only outsider..." Bella said in a pleading tone. I let out a sigh "alright..." I said.

"Jake!" I heard someone said. I turn around to see a boy running our way. My eyes widened when I look at him. No way... he's... real?

*to be continued*

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