Chapter 33

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Previously on Chapter 32

Seth froze as if he just heard something and turns to look at me. "Baby... I have to go... Jacob is calling the pack" he said. I nod my head and he runs out of the house too.

-New Problem-

Seth P.O.V

We gather around in a field that is full of wooden log. I just stay silent as Jacob and Sam argue over what they should do about Bella's condition. Sam wants to get rid of the baby as soon as possible, but that would mean they will kill Bella.

Jacob didn't agree to that. But of course, Sam won't listen. Jacob got angry and runs off. I look at Sam and the others for a moment, then I slowly walk away. Then I start running to where Jacob is heading too.

There's no way I'm staying in this pack after what happened. Bella is still a human... and this pack is all about protecting human. Now Sam wants to kill her. Along with the fact that Bella is Y/N's sister. She would be miserable is something happens to her sister. So I can't let that happen.

I turn into my human form and jog over to Jacob. He looks at me and behind us. "Don't worry... they're not following us" I said, smiling at him. "What are you doing here?" He said. "I left Sam's pack..." I said, feeling proud of myself. "Go home, Seth..." he said. "I won't stand behind him!" I said. "Oh yes you will. I'm not kidding... get outta here" he said. I frown as I look at him in sadness.

"Is that an order? Gonna make me bow down too?" I said. "I'm not ordering anyone. Look... I'm just going out on my own here okay?" He said, looking away. I smile at him. "Great... and I've got your back" I said, proudly. "No you don't!" He yelled at me. I turn to look at him, but don't say anything.

He sighs looking away for a few seconds, then looks back at me. "If Sam comes after Bella... are you really ready to fight your own brothers... your sister?" He said. "If it's the right thing to do... and don't forget... Bella is Y/N's sister... I don't want my girl to be sad if something bad happens to her sister" I said. He just stare at me and sigh. "I'm going to go and give the Cullens a heads up... you do what you want..." he said, walking away. I smile to myself, then turn to follow him.

"How great is this? Two man's pack! Two against the world!" I said. "You're getting on my nerve, Seth" he said. "I'll shut up... can do..." I said, still following close behind him.



Bella is sleeping in the couch. I sit on the arm rest next to her head. I look down at her in sadness. She  has grown a lot skinnier now. The baby or whatever it is... is sucking her strength.

I let out a sigh and stand up. I walk towards the balcony to see Edward. He's staring off into the distance. I walk forward and stand next to him.

There's a moment of silence, until he decides to break it. "Y/N..." he said. I turn my head to look at him, to let him know that he have my attention. He sighs and turns to look at me.

"How can you support her? I'm sure you know the risk... your mother gave birth to you, risking her life because you're a half vampire... and she ends up losing her life in the end..." He said. I look at him in sadness, recalling the day I told everyone my story. How I come to this world as a half vampire... and how my mother lost her life because of me.

"I don't want to talk about this again... it's Bella's choice. I can't do anything..." I said, looking away from him. He opens his mouth to speak but stop when he feel someone coming. I turn my head as I hear it too.

Jacob comes into view. He looks worried. "What is it?" I said. "Be prepare, Y/N... Edward... they're coming for her..." he said. "Who?" I said. "Sam... they want to get rid of the baby..." he said. I growl and clench my hands into a tight fist. "They're not going to hurt my sister... I won't let them" I said. "Neither would I" Edward said. He just nods his head, letting us know that it's all he wants to say. Then he turns around and walk away.

I turn to look at Edward. "I'll say this one more time. All I can do now is support her... as much as it hurts to see her in such condition. There's nothing I can do..." I said, fighting back the tears in my eyes. Then I turn around to walk away.

I walk to the lake that I've always go to. I'm not scared that the pack is going to hurt me. Seth told me their rule... and that is the pack can't hurt their member's imprint.

I take a seat by the lake and stare into the reflection. I choke a sob and pulls my knees closer to my chest. I start to cry softly.

It breaks me to think that I'm going to lose Bella... the same way that I lose my biological mother. It's hard to survive giving birth to a half vampire... and seeing Bella's condition... the chances are slim to none.

I feel someone behind me, but I ignore it. Then I feel myself being pulled into an embrace. I can tell who it is is by the feeling of the warmth. I instantly wrap my arms around him and cry softly into his chest. 

He caress my hair softly, trying his best to comfort me. Soon the exhaustion starts to consume me. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep in his arms.

*to be continued*

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