Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

"Y/N!" I hear someone calls out for me. I turn my head to see Seth. "Hey!" I said, happy that he's here. He engulfs me into a hug and twirl us around. I let out a happy laugh as I hold onto his shoulders. Then he places me down and leans in to kiss me. I close my eyes and tilt my head to kiss him back... and let the party begin!!

-A New Threat-


I'm with Seth most of the time. I laugh at something Seth said. Then he just stare at me. I blush and look away. Then I feel his hand on the side of my cheek. He turns me to look at him. He smiles as he caress my cheek softly. Then he leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and kisses him back.

We pull away after a while. Our forehead pressed together as we stare into each-other's eyes. "I love you, Y/N... so much..." he said. I smile and peck his lips. "I love you too, Seth..." I said. I stand up and was about to walk away. But his hand grabs mine. I turn my head to look at him.

"Where are you going?" He said. "Bathroom... I need to fix my make up..." I said. He stands up and hold me by my hips. "You don't need make up, babe. You are already beautiful the way you are..." he said. I can feel my cheeks burning. He place his fingers on my chin and turn my face to look at him. He let out a chuckle and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Oh... how I love the effect I have on you, baby..." he said, making my cheeks turning even more red. I just hide my face into the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around his torso. He chuckles and holds me in his arm. He's being so tender... as if I'm the most fragile thing in this world... as if one wrong move he will break me. That's how much he cares for me. I always feel so special with him around me... and I love this guy so much.

I pull away when I hear a low gasp coming from the stairway. I can hear everything clearly despite the loud music, due to me being a hybrid.

I turn my head to see Alice. Her eyes looks in daze. She must be having a vision. I grab Seth hand and pulls him along with me. He follows close behind me.

From my peripheral view, I can see Bella walking towards her too. "Alice... what did you see?" She said. She snaps out of it and looks at us with worry.

I walk up the stairs and stand next to her. I place my hand on her shoulder. Flashes of image comes to my mind. There's a group of people, no... vampires. New born vampires.

They are passing around what looks like a flannel shirt. It looks like the one Bella always wore. They are trying to remember her scent. They are going to come here. But I can't see who's the mastermind behind this.

A hand grab mine as I snap out of my thought. I turn my head to see Bella. She's looking at me with worry. I look back at her with tears in my eyes, knowing that she will be in great danger. A group of new born vampires army are a lot to handle.

I feel a hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears. I turn my head to see Seth as he looks at me with worry.

"Y/N..." Bella said, looking at me expecting me to tell her what I saw in Alice's vision. I open my mouth to start talking, but Carlisle stops me. "Wait. Let's head upstairs where it is more secluded. We will discuss there..." Carlisle said. We all nod our heads and make our way upstairs.

Seth make me sit on his lap, with one of his arms wrap securely around my waist. While the other is on my back. Once in a while his hand would go up to my head, caressing it softly. Then go back and draw comforting circles on my back.

Alice is telling everyone what she sees. Edward looks scared. He wraps his arms around Bella, fear for her life... as she will be in a great danger due to this situation.

"There's a lot of them... they're like an army" I finally said after calming down. "Of what?" Jacob said. I turn my head to look at him.

"New borns... vampires. They are coming here with the help of Bella's shirt. They're passing around her scent. She will be their main target" I said. He turns to look at Alice who nods her head, confirming what I've just said.

"Then we have to do something!" He said, looking at each one of us in panic. "No!" Bella said, after she's been silence the whole time. We all turn to look at her, surprise by her sudden voice.

"A lot of you will get hurt. I don't want any sacrifice made for my sake..." she said. "Bella... you're my sister. Even though we are not related by blood. You are still my sister. You took care of me. Care for me... you're always there for me when no one else have. I won't stand back and watch as they come to tear you apart... I refuse to" I said. "But Y/N-" she try to say, but I cut her off.

"But nothing! I won't let anyone hurt you! I won't go down without a fight. Don't forget what I'm capable of, Bella. With proper training from everyone here... I'll be able to control both side. Vampire and Shifter. I will be able to take them on... who cares if they're new borns. We will be stronger than them if we work together. We are all going to fight and that's final!" I said, leaving no rooms for her to argue. She close her mouth as she stare at me wide-eyed, obviously not used to my dominant side.

"Your sister is right... we're in..." Jacob said, as he place a hand on my shoulder. "Jacob... Y/N..." Bella said, looking as if she's trying to talk us out of it.

Jacob just look at her with a smile. "You should be happy, Bella. This is what you've always wanted, isn't it? You've always want the Cullens and us Quileute to get along. Besides... we'll be fine as long as we get to kill vampires" Jacob said, grinning at her. Seth nod his head as he stands up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

There will be a battle going on... and Bella's life is on the line. I will stop at nothing in trying to keep my sister safe. No harm will come to her. Not while I'm around.

*to be continued*

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