Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

There will be a battle going on... and Bella's life is on the line. I will stop at nothing in trying to keep my sister safe. No harm will come to her. Not while I'm around.

-Training For Upcoming Battle-


I'm standing by a rock. I watch as Jasper and Emmet fight each other. My eyes follows Emmet as he got thrown away. He gets up and turns to look at Jasper.

"Again!" He said. I hear the sound of car and turn my head. Bella walks out of the car, and Edward walks next to her. He holds her hand and notice the bracelet she's wearing. I can hear her saying it's a graduation gift from Jacob. I can see the jealous look on Edward's face. I giggle to myself as he throw me a look.

I can hear growling. I turn my head to see Sam's pack. I can see Seth as he makes his way towards me in his wolf form.

"Hey, Seth..." I said. He nudge his nose to my side. I giggle as it tickles me a bit. I run my hand through his soft fur. No matter how many times I've seen him in his wolf form, it never stops to amaze me. He was truly beautiful.

Jasper begin explaining on how to fight a newborn. He starts giving out rules. Edward translate their thought to let us know what they're thinking and what they want to know regarding newborns.

What he said is true. It doesn't take a whole army of hundreds newborns to take down human's army. But a hundreds of human army won't be able to take down a single newborn. Apparently vampires are at their strongest during their first months of turning into a vampire.

"A lot of life's will be lost... and it will all be because of me..." I can hear Bella said. I turn to look at her as she has move to stand next to me. I gently hold her hand.

"Bella... people are at their strongest when they are fighting for something they love. Edward and Jacob loves you. That's why they are willing to fight for you. You're my sister. I will stop at nothing to keep you safe..." I said. She just smile at me. She still looks troubled. I let out a sigh and pulls her into a hug.

"Y/N! You're up!" I hear Jasper calls out for me. I turn to Bella and smile. "Everything's gonna be okay... you just gotta have a little faith in us" I said. She just smiles at me. I turn around and walks to Jasper.

"Okay... go on..." he said. I nod my head. I let my eyes turns red as I'm using my vampire side. I run towards him and he swung his fist at me. I slide down. I use my hand to support me and kick his head, instantly knocking him down. Then I stand back up.

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