Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

He holds me tighter in his arms. I can feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. "Sleep well, baby... I've got you..." he said in a soft voice. I close my eyes and let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber.

-Victoria and Riley-


I wake up in the morning. It's not as cold as it is last night. But it's still quiet freezing. I think about what Edward told me. Is it possible? That I'm still a half-human?

I turn my head to see Bella, who's still asleep. Today is the day of the fight. I let out a sigh and sit up in the sleeping bag. Bella moves in her sleep, then she opens her eyes.

"Good morning, sleepy head..." I said. She blinks her eyes, then smiles at me. "Morning, Y/N..." she said. "Come on now... get up. We need to prepare for the battle..." I said. She nods her head. We walk out of the tent.

Seth walks towards me in his wolf form. "Hey, Seth... thank you for keeping me warm last night..." I said, kissing his nose. He licks my cheek in return. "Eww! Seth!" I said, wiping away his saliva. He just give me a wolfy grin.

I can hear Edward talking to Bella. Then he calls her Mrs. Cullen. I can feel someone else here. I turn my head and my eyes widened. Oh no...

"You're marrying him?" Jacob said. Bella turns to look at him. Then she turns to look at Edward. "You knew he was listening!" She said, angrily. "He has the right to know..." Edward said. Bella just shakes her head in disbelief. He turns around and chase after Bella. Edward holds her hand. "Don't!" She said, angrily.

"Bella!" Edward calls out. I appear in front of him, holding him by the shoulders. "Leave her be..." I said. "But she-" he tried to say, but I just glare at him. He instantly shut his mouth.

Bella is trying to get Jacob to stay. He's going to get himself killed if he went off to battle in his current mind state. Jacob asked Bella to give him a reason to stay. But the two reasons Bella gave him is not good enough.

"Jacob! Kiss me..." I hear Bella said. Jacob walks to her and pulls her into a kiss. I turn my head to look at Edward. He just stand where he is, not looking at the direction Bella and Jacob is. While I just stay silent.

"That should be our first kiss..." Jacob said, after pulling away. "I gotta go..." he said again. Bella looks at him in worry. But Jacob convinces her that he'll be back.

I look up and see Bella walking towards us. "Did you guys see that?" She said. "No/yes..." Edward and I said simultaneously. "His thought were pretty clear" Edward said. "I don't know what happened..." she said. "You love him..." Edward said, I can sense the hurt in his voice. "I love you more..." she said. "I know" Edward said. Edward pulls her closer. I can hear battle sound from the distance.

"Looks like it's starting..." I said. Edward nods his head. I turn to look at Seth. He's still new to the pack, so he's not going to join the battle. "I hope they'll be fine..." I said, running my hand through his fur.

"Jacob just got there..." Edward said, making me turn to look at him. "He's pretty good..." he said. I smile softly, knowing he have Bella in his mind. Edward turns to look at me and give me a look? I turn to look at him with a "what" look. He rolls his eyes.

I can feel someone coming close. "Edward..." I said. "I know... she's coming to us..." he said. He turns to look at Seth. "Seth, go!" He said. "Be careful, Seth..." I said. He give me a curt nod, then he turns to leave.

"She's not alone!" I said, sensing someone else with her. Soon enough, someone comes to view. The same girl I've seen when Bella and I were under water. I keep my guard up. Then someone else walks into view. Riley Biers.

"She's just using you, Riley..." Edward said. "Think about it... you're from Forks... you know this area... that's why she chose you... you're just a puppet to her..." I add. "She's only using you to revenge her fiancé's death..." Edward said. "She doesn't love you, Riley" I said. Riley looks troubled after what we said. He turns to look at Victoria.

"There's only you... you know that..." she said. "She's lying, Riley... I can show you..." I said, offering my hand to him. "She's the one who's lying. You know I love you..." Victoria said. "Please, Riley..." I said. But he just looks at me with cold eyes. "You're dead..." he said. Then he charge at us. Edward push him back.

"Y/N... protect Bella" Edward said. I pull Bella and make her stand behind me. Riley runs towards us, but Seth comes and bit his arm off. He screams in pain, while clutching his arm. He growls in anger as he turns to look at Seth. He kicks Seth, knocking him out cold.

"Seth!" I screamed. I growl in anger. I turn my head to look at Riley. I can feel my eyes turning.

Then I transform into a silver wolf

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Then I transform into a silver wolf. Riley looks at me wide-eyed. He takes a couple of steps backward. He shakes his head and stare at me with no fear. Then he runs towards me in full speed. I growl at him and try to bite him off.

But he slides down and went up behind me. I slam my back to the tree, successfully knocking him down from my back. But he recovers fast and grab my by my neck. Then he squeeze hard.

I can feel my neck cracking. Then he drops me on the ground. I breathe heavily, and it slowed. Until eventually... I take my last breath.

*to be continued*

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