Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

I can feel her hand running across my hair. "I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm okay..." she said, in a weak voice. I just keep crying onto her shoulder. At least she's okay... but something bothers me.

Who's that red-haired girl?

-Alice Returns-


I help Bella sit up straighter. I can see someone running towards us. He gestures Jacob to come with him. I turn to look at Jacob as he looks down at Bella.

"What's going on?" She said. "It's Harry Clearwater. He had a heart attack..." he said. "You should go..." I said. "I'll drive you both home first..." he said. I just nod my head. I stand up first and Jacob picks Bella up. We walk towards Bella's truck and get in. Bella is sitting in the middle. Then Jacob starts to drive.

We see our dad and a lot of sheriffs. "Jacob, can you stop here?" Bella said. "Sure..." he said, pulling over. Bella gestures me to get off, because she's sitting in the middle. I get off the truck and she gets off after me.

"Dad... what's going on?" Bella said. "I don't know... Harry just suddenly got a heart attack..." he said. "Can I see him?" I said. He turns to look at me, then nod his head. I enter the room, where Harry is laying there lifeless.

I walk towards him. A sudden heart attack can only be trigger if he got shocked. So... this isn't a natural death. So something must have triggered it.

I stand next to him. I raise my hand and place it on his shoulder. Then I can see flashing images coming in my head.

(Just focus on the scene where Harry is trying to stop Victoria who tries to attack Charlie)

I gasps as I snap out of it. Harry is attacked. It's the same girl as the one Bella and I saw underwater. What's her problem anyway? First she's targeting Bella... and now Dad? What did she want??

Dad enters the room and noticed my troubled look. "Is something wrong?" He asked, looking at me with a worried expression. I shake my head and smile at him. "Nothing's wrong, dad... I'm just sad... Harry is like an uncle to me..." I said, looking down at Harry. He frowns and walks towards me, pulling me into a hug.

"Why are you soaked?" He said, pulling away to look at me. "Uh... Bella and I went to the beach and go to swim... and we kinda forgot to bring spare clothes after we were done..." I said. He looks at me for a moment, then nod his head.

"I see... now go home, take a shower and get some rest. Also... don't go out. There's an attack going on around Forks. It'll be safer for you both if you stay indoor..." he said. "Alright, dad... I'll see you later then..." I said, smiling at him. He place a soft kiss on my forehead and push me to get going.

I reach the truck and get inside. Bella and Jacob is already in there. "Sorry for taking so long..." I said, looking out the window at the room Harry's in. They didn't say anything and Jacob starts driving.

Bella is feeling cold. "Why don't you come over here? It's warm here..." Jacob said. Bella scoots closer to his side, holding onto his arm. "Must be nice to not feel cold..." she said. "It's a wolf thing..." he said. I just zone out after that.

I snap out of my thought when Bella calls out to me. I turn to look at her. "What?" I asked. "What is it, Y/N... you seem troubled..." she said. I look at her for a bit and shake my head.

"Tell me, Y/N... something clearly is troubling you..." she said. I let out a sigh and turns to look at her. "His death isn't natural. He was attacked... that's why he had a heart attack..." I said. Jacob snap his head my way.

"Attacked? What do you mean attacked??" He said. "Yeah, Y/N... what do you mean?" She said. I let out another sigh and raise my hand. "I'll show you what I saw..." I said. She looks at my hand in confusion. I just nod at her. She place her hand in mind and her eyes turns cloudy.

Then she gasps. "What? What did you see?" Jacob said. Jacob knew that I'm a half-vampire. I told him about it. At first he hates me, but remembering that I'm Bella's younger sister... now he accepts me. It's kinda awkward though.

"I can see a girl with red hair... she's right behind our dad... Harry saw it and try to shoot her. Then she attack him and have him on a choke hold. But before anything could happen... one of your pack attack that girl... he got thrown away and THAT'S when he got a heart attack..." I said. "So you're telling me that he was killed?" He said. I nod my head. I can see him clenching the steering wheel.

"Filthy vampire... this is why I hated their kind... I swear someday I'm going to avenge Harry's death..." he said in anger. "Filthy vampire, you say? Did you forgot what I am??" I said, looking at him feeling offended.

"You're HALF vampire, Y/N... so you're still human in some way..." He said, turning to look at me. I scoff at what he said. "I'm still a vampire..." I said, glaring at him. "Yeah whatever... I'm not talking about you and you know that. Now hush..." he said. I roll my eyes at him. "Tch... rude much?" I said, sulking. He just chuckle.

We finally reach our house. "Bella, look!" I said. She turns to where I'm pointing. "That's Alice's car... she's back!" she said, grinning happily. She get off the truck and was about to run. Jacob holds her hand. "Woah... you can't possibly think that I'm going to let you meet that vampire..." he said. "She's not going to hurt me. Come on, Y/N..." she said. I nod my head and enter the house with her.

She switch on the light and turns around. Alice is standing there with a worried look in her eyes. "Alice!" Bella said, hugging her. She hugs her back, then pulls away.

"Do you mind telling me how you're alive? I have a vision of you that you jumped off a cliff! Why would you do that??" She said. "I was just... having fun..." Bella said. "Having fun my a**... you nearly died..." I said, earning a glare from her. Alice just looks at her with a stern expression. "Now... I want you to tell me what REALLY happened..." she said. "Well...

*to be continued*

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