Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

My eyes soften at the sight of her. "I won't... I'll always be here with you..." I said, walking towards her. She hugs me tightly and I run my hands across her hair, as she lay her head on my chest. "Always..." I said. Then I hear soft snore coming from her. I smile sadly as I look at her. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

-Jacob Phasing-


Bella kept screaming at night from her nightmares. She barely get any sleep. As soon as she falls asleep, she'll instantly wake up while screaming. This has happened for the past few months. It's making me and Dad worried.

But today, she seems to be feeling better. I'm in the kitchen, cooking as always. When I hear footsteps coming down. I turn my head to see Bella standing there.

"Bella..." I said. "Hey, Y/N..." she said, smiling at me. I grin at her and turn off the stove. I turn around and run towards her, making sure to still manage a slow human pace.

My strength as a half-vampire is getting stronger. I need to learn how to control it. The only thing that doesn't change is I'm still able to control my thirst for human blood. Otherwise, I would have attacked Bella and Dad. So I'm glad I'm still able to keep it at bay.

I pull Bella into a hug. "I'm so glad to see you back on your feet, Bel..." I said. She hugs me back. "I'm sorry for making you and Charlie worried..." she said.

I shake my head and pulls away from her. "You were in a state of broken heart, Bel. We understand that, okay? No need to feel bad. You're back on your feet now. That's all that matters..." I said. She just pulls me into another hug. I smile and pat her back softly.

"Do you wanna go watch a movie with me? Mike just invited me to join him watch a movie... along with Angela and Jessica, but those two can't make it. But I don't want to be alone with him" she said. I look at her in surprise. "Mike? As in... Mike Newton?" I said with a surprise expression. "Yeah..." she said. "You know... I think he likes you..." I said. "Y/N... No..." she said. I giggle at what she said.

"Please come... I don't want to be alone with him..." she said. "Alright... fine... but at least bring someone else... I don't want to be your third wheel..." I said. "Alright fine... I'll bring Jacob along..." she said.

I've met Jacob a while ago. He's a pretty decent guy. We became fast friend. Though I notice how he acts around Bella. I'll say... he's in love with her.

"Forth wheeling..." I said. "Why?" She said, looking at me in confusion. "You can be oblivious sometime, Bel" I said, making her pout. "Are you coming or not?" She said, whining. "Alright! Alright! I will come!" I said. She grins at me and hugs me tightly.


Bella ends up choosing an action movie, when Mike wanted to watch a Romance. I'm learning against the wall as Bella get the ticket.

"Why did you two have to come?" Mike said. I turn to him to see him sulking. "Because she said she don't wanna be alone with you..." I said, truthfully. I know it's harsh. But it's better to tell the truth, so he won't keep on thinking that he might have a chance with Bella. I know my sister well to say that she will never have feelings for Mike.

He looks at me with a hurt expression. "I'm sorry, Man... but I'm just saying the truth. So you won't keep on thinking that you might have a chance on my sister..." I said. He just lets out a sigh and looks away from me. I can see glisten in his eyes. What a baby... Sheesh.

"That's a little harsh, Y/N..." Jacob said, whispering to my ear. I turn to him with a raise eyebrow at what he just said. "What? Are you suggesting that I should just let him keep his hopes up? That he might have a chance with Bella?" I said. He just stays silence after I said that. "See?" I said. He lets out a huff and nod his head, knowing what I said was right.

Bella walks towards us with tickets in her hands. She hands 1 ticket to each of us. "Thanks..." I said, with a smile on my face. She smiles nods her head. Then we enter the theater. We search for our seats and take a seat. She place me next to Mike. While she's sitting on the other side of me with Jacob.

Mike frown when he realize this. I notice how he's looking at Bella. I turn to look at him. "I told you..." I said. He just looks at me and sigh, then turn his face to look at the screen in front of us. Okay... maybe I was a little harsh. But he needs to know.

The screen shows a fighting scene. I watch in silent. "This is a good movie. It has good effect..." I said in whisper to Bella. She turns to me and smile, nodding her head in agreement.

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." Mike said. Bella and I look at each other. Then we leave the theater. Mike runs to the boy's washroom. Even though I'm not in there, I can hear him throwing up thanks to my sharp senses.

"What a wuss..." Jacob said. I turn to look at him. He turns to look at me. "What?" He said. "Just a half an hour ago you said I was being harsh..." I said. "Well, it's a fact anyway..." he said, shrugging his shoulders. I nod my head in agreement. "Uh huh, tell me about it... and he expect Bella would like someone like him..." I said, rolling my eyes. Mike just looks at us for a few moments, then he storms away from the theater.

"You think he heard us?" I said. "I doubt it... maybe he's just embarrassed..." he said. "Yeah... maybe..." I said, nodding my head. Bella walks towards us and smile. "Let's get going now?" She said. "Sure" I said, smiling back at her. While Jacob just nod his head.

I can hear heavy breathing. I turn to look at Jacob to see him sweating like crazy. "Oh my, Jake... are you okay?" I said. "I'm fine..." he said, breathing heavily.

"Are you sure? You're burning up!" Bella said as she place a hand on her forehead. He just shake his head and runs away. Bella just stands there not knowing what's happening, while I know exactly what happen to Jacob.

He's phasing... he's going to be a shifter

*to be continued*

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