Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

I let out a sigh and pulls her into a hug. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to raise my voice at you... I just worried about you, Bel... you're my sister... I don't want you to get hurt..." I said. She caress my hair "I'm sorry, sis..." she said. Oh... what can I do to help you, Bella?

-You Have Got To Be Kidding Me-


Bella suddenly storms off this morning. Ever since what happened at the theatre. Jacob didn't answer any of her calls. So she decided to head to his house to ask him for an explanation. I wanna go after her, but since I know what's happening to Jacob, I chose not to. It's the shifter's territory. Yes... not everyone can detect that I'm a half-vampire. But you can't never be too safe. So yeah... I chose to stay at home.

I'm currently sitting on the couch as I wait for her to come back, while reading a book. I can sense her as she comes inside. I close the book and turn to look at her.

"You look like you're in shock..." I said. She jumps as if she's not expecting me to be here as it is night time now. "You scared me, Y/N..." she said placing a hand on her chest. "Sorry... so... what happened?" I said. She lets out a sigh and sits across from me.

"Jacob's a werewolf..." she said. "That ain't new..." I said, shrugging. "You knew but you didn't tell me??" She said. "Would you believe me if I did?" I said. She just stay silent. "See?" I said. She lets out a sigh. I can see how shaken up she is. My eyes soften. "Get some rest, Bella... you need it... I'm going to my room... Goodnight..." I said, standing up. "Night..." she said in a low tone, but I can still hear her due to my sharp senses.

Bella's P.O.V

I head to my room and lay down on the bed. I stare at the ceiling. "Alice... is it possible that all those stories... all those folklores... exists... is the world we're living in the same as we once know?" I said to myself, wishing she was here to listen. I let out a sigh and close my eyes.


I heard what she's saying. She misses them. "I'm so sorry, Bella... I'm sorry I couldn't stop them from leaving..." I said to myself. I can feel tears building up in my eyes. I let out a sigh and turn to my side. I wipe my tears and close them. I let myself drift off to sleep.


He pulls me into a hug and twirl us around. I can hear my voice as I laugh gleefully. Then he places me back on my feet and keeps me in his arms.

"I love you, Y/N... you're everything to me..." he said. His voice is clear... but his face is blurry. I can't make out who he is.

End of Flashback

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. It's that dream again. Same place... same voice. But who is he? Is he even real? I shake my head and try to fall back to sleep.



"Y/N! Y/N wake up!!" I feel someone shaking me awake. I cover my head with the blanket, only to have it get pulled off me. "WAKE UP!!" I jump in fright when the person screams in my ear. I turn to the sound to see Bella.

"What the hell!! Sheesh, Bella... my hearing are a lot sharper than you! You're going to make me go deaf if you scream like that..." I said. She crosses her arms across her chest. "It's your fault... if your hearing are sharper... it should've been easier for me to wake you up..." she said.

I sigh, knowing she's right about this one. "Alright... sorry. What do you want?" I said. "Come with me..." she said. I look at her in confusion. "Where to?" I said. "Just come" she said. I let out a sigh. I know I can't let her go off on her own with her current condition. So I just agree to go with wherever she wants to go...

End of Flashback

But I didn't expect her to take me to a cliff!! I stare down, to see waves crashing against the stone wall.

I move back slightly and turn to look at Bella, who's standing not far from me with a huge grin on her face.

"Just what are we doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. "We're going cliff-jumping... what else?" She said, as if it's the most obvious thing. I look at her in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me..." I said. But the look on her face lets me know that she's being VERY serious about this. She was about to run, but I grab her hand.

"Bella... this isn't a game! You can get seriously hurt or worse... you could get yourself killed!" I said. She turns to look at me. "Jump with me, Y/N..." she said. "You're not going to listen, do you?" I said. "Nope..." she said, then she starts to run towards the cliff. She jumps off, dragging me along.

We fall inside the water and swim up to the surface. "It was fun, right??" Bella said, looking excited. I just glare at her. "I'm going to kick you butt once we get out of here!" I said. I turn my head to see a huge wave crashing down towards us, which drag us down the water. We swim back up, only to get hit by the second wave.

Since I'm a half-vampire, I can breathe well under water. But it's Bella I'm worried for. I turn to look at her to see her looking at a certain direction. I can see someone swimming towards us. A girl with red hair.

Bella looks panic as she swims backward and hits her back against the rock wall. "Bella!" I scream, but it gets muffled as I am under water I turn to look at the girl to see her close. I can see the look of hatred in her red eyes. Vampire... I thought, not a good one at that.

She keeps swimming. She's targeting Bella. Like hell I'm going to let her hurt my sister! I swim in front of Bella and outstretch my hand. She got pushed back, far away from us. I stare for a moment, to make sure she didn't come back.

Bella! I thought to myself. I turn around to see Bella getting picked up by a hand. I was about to attack the person and realize it's Jacob. He swims away with Bella in his arms and I swim along after him.

We reach the land and Jacob instantly perform CPR on Bella. "Please... please... please... Bella breathe... please... don't leave me, Bella..." I plead, tears are streaming down my cheeks.

She cough up water and wheeze. I let out a sigh of relief. She sits up and turns to look at me. "Hey Y/N..." she said, smiling weakly at me. I glare at her in anger.

"Don't "hey Y/N" me! You almost get yourself killed! Just what were you thinking! I told you that you could get hurt! Why can't you just listen to me!! Instead you drag me to jump with you! I can handle it because of my nature! But you're just a normal human Bella! Can you please stop being so reckless! I understand that you're hurting because Edward and the others left... but think about me! Think about dad! How would we feel if something bad happens to you!" I scold her. She looks away from me in guilt.

I let out a choked sob as I pull her into a hug. "I was so scared. I thought that I'm going to lose my sister... don't do that to me... I can't bare the thought of losing you, Bella..." I said, crying into her shoulder.

I can feel her hand running across my hair. "I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm okay..." she said, in a weak voice. I just keep crying onto her shoulder. At least she's okay... but something bothers me.

Who's that red-haired girl?

*to be continued*

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