Chapter 41

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Previously on Chapter 40

I turn to Seth. He smiles at me as he notice the look in my eyes, which is filled with worry. "I'm alright, baby... don't worry about me..." he said, cupping my cheeks softly. I let out a sigh and leans to his touch. I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips. I can feel him smiling into the kiss as he wraps his arms around my waist.

-Charlie Finds Out About Bella-


I'm sitting on the couch in the living room. Bella and Edward are standing, while carrying their sleeping baby. I smile softly at the sight of them.

"I hope someday I can have kids with you..." I hear Seth said next to me. I blush at what he said. He turn to me and chuckles. "Seth... isn't it too early to talk about that?" I said, hitting his arm softly. "What? You don't want to?" He said. "Of course I want too. But being half-vampire.. I don't know if I'm able to" I said, looking down.

"Hey..." he said. I turn my head to look at him. He smiles and peck my lips softly. "Don't think about it, okay? I'll love you no matter what..." he said. I smile at him, feeling grateful to have him in my life.

I hear a thud. I stand up and look out the window to see Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme. I can see Alice and Jasper stopping for a kiss, while Carlisle and Esme walks inside.

Alice walks towards Bella and smile happily at her. "Happy birthday!" She said. Bella looks confused. "I stopped aging 3 days ago" she said. "Yeah we'll still celebrating it anyway. So suck it up" Alice said. I just giggle at them. Alice smiles at me, then she turn to Bella. She hands her a key.

Rosalie walks towards Bella and claps her hand. "My turn..." she said. I pout at her. "That's not fair, Rose. I wanna carry her too..." I said. She turns to me and giggle.

"You can carry her later... but now it's my turn" she said. I huffed and nod my head. Bella give Renesmee to her. She excitedly lift her up from Bella's arms. I smile at her. I know she loves babies... she told me she wishes to have a family and a child of her own. But of course... being a vampire, she can't do that... and it made me feel bad for her.

Bella, Edward and Alice turns around and walks out of the house. "I wonder what Alice have for them..." I said to Seth. He shrugs his shoulders. "Seeing as she gave them a key... I'm guessing it's a house..." he said. "Yeah... probably..." I said, nodding my head in agreement.


I'm carrying Renesmee in my arms. I make silly face at her and she starts giggling, making me coo at her cuteness. She's so precious. But she's growing so fast and it makes me worried of how much time we have with her. I know I'm half-vampire too... but I'm also a shifter and a shifter is also immortal. So it's a little different for my case.

Rosalie walks over to me. "Can I carry her now?" She said. "Alright..." I said, giving Renesmee to her. She picks her up in her arms and smile at me. I smile at her softly. She turns around and walks out of the house. Soon enough, I can see her standing by the tree.

I can hear footsteps coming and turn my head to see Bella and Edward. "Oh... done already" Emmet said. I smile at them. Bella just smiles at him. Then she turns to look at me. "Hey sis... where's Renesmee?" She said. "Rose steal her from me..." I said, pointing at where they are. She turns her head to look at them to see Rosalie playfully act like she wants to bite the baby's hand.

"I'm going to miss this place..." Emmet suddenly said. It makes me frown, knowing soon or later they have to tell everyone that Bella is dead. I know what will happen after that.

"Wait wait wait! Hold on... nobody said anything about leaving" Jacob said. "We don't have a choice. After everyone knows Bella is dead... we can't risk anyone seeing her" Carlisle said. "We'll come back. We'll always do..." Esme said. I frown at the thought of my sister leaving with the rest of them. Then my eyes widened as I remember something.

"Ah shit..." I said, face-palming myself. "What is it, Y/N?" Bella said. "I have to go home... dad must be looking for me. I've been here for days..." I said, in panic as I thought about dad and how worried he'll he. "Oh right... of course" Bella said, nodding her head. "I don't know what to say to him if he asks about you though. What am I going to do now?" I said, as I let out a sigh.

"You'll go with Jacob... he'll have to know soon or later..." Edward said. I nod my head in agreement. I turn to look at Jacob. "Let's go now?" I said. He just stare at me for a moment, then nods his head. He stands up and we walk out of the house.

"What about me?" Seth said, walking towards me. "I'll come back later, okay?" I said. "You have your truck with you... can't you just use that?" he said, pouting at me. "Alright... lets go..." I said. He grins and we get inside the truck. I start the engine and start driving home.

After a while, we finally reach there. I hear someone cutting woods. Jacob, Seth and I walks towards the sound. As expected, he is at the backyard cutting woods. I smile and walks towards him.

"Dad..." I said. He turns his head to look at me. "Y/N... heyyy" he said, dropping his axe and walks up to me. He pulls me into a hug. "You've been away for so long... I missed you..." he said. "I miss you too, dad" I said, hugging him back.

Jacob walks towards us. "Hey, Jake... Seth..." dad said. "Hi Mr. Swan..." Seth said. "Hello, Charlie" Jake said.

"Any news about Bella?" Dad said. Jacob turns to look at me. I can see worry in his eyes. He's nervous about telling him the news. Then he looks at dad. "Y/N... I'll be the one to tell him okay? Can you give us some privacy?" He said. I nod my head and head inside the house with Seth.

Jacob P.O.V

What do I say? I can't tell him Bella's dead. That'll mean she'll have to leave and I won't be able to see Renesmee. I don't want that. I have to do something.

"Bella is..." I start. "No she's not..." he said. "No... no no no... Bella's fine... she's... back home..." I said. He looks relief. "Why don't you say so..." he said. Then he starts walking.

"Wait!" I said, turning to him. He stops and turns to me. "Look... in order for Bella to get better she needs to um... change" I said. "What do you mean change?" He said, looking at me in confusion.

I let out a sigh and nod my head. I start to take off my shirt. "What are you doing?" He said. "There's something you need to see first..." I said. "I need to see Bella..." he said. "It won't take long... you need to see this..." I said. "Put your clothes back on..." he said.

I ignore what he just said. "You need to know that you don't live in the world you think you do..." I said, taking my pants off. Then I let out a growl as I phase into a wolf.

He stumbles back in shock. But I just lay down in front of him to let him know I mean no harm. He stills look scared though.


I can feel Jacob phasing. I let out a growl. "Stupid, Jake! Why would he show him about that! Now Bella will be in trouble because of him" I said. "Yeah... just how reckless can that guy be..." Seth said, running his hand through his hair. He looks just as frustrated as I am. But the damage had been done... there is nothing I can do about it.

Jake... you idiot...

*to be continued*

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