Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

"Why would you think I hate you? Have you forget? Edward and the others are vampires... it's okay..." she said in a soft tone. I choke a sob as I hug her back, crying to her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Bella... I'm so sorry..." I cried. "It's okay... don't cry... you're my little sister. You always will be. I love you, sis..." she said, pulling away as she wipe my tears. "I love you too, Bella..." I said, pulling her into another hug. She caress my hair softly.

-Edward Left-


There's no school today. So Bella and I choose to stay at home. I'm sitting in her bed as we talk about something random.

I hear footsteps outside the house. "Bella... Edward is here..." I said. She blinks in surprise at me. I wave my hand in front of her face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "I still need to get use to the fact that my little sister... the one I've grew up with turns out to be a half-vampire..." she said. I laugh at what she just said.

"Go on... you need go to him. You don't wanna keep him waiting, don't you?" I said. "Right... accompany me?" She said. "Uh... no thanks. I don't want to be a third wheel..." I said. "At least walk me out?" She said. "Ugh... fine..." I said. She grins and stand up, then she pulls me along with her.

Edward is standing near the wood. Bella walks to him. "Hey..." she said. "Walk with me... you too, Y/N..." he said, looking at me. "Oookay... are you sure I won't be a bother?" I said. "It's important... I need you to listen too..." he said. "Alright then..." I said. Then we walk inside the woods.

Edward stops walking as he turns to look at us. "We're leaving... the others have left and I'm the only one here..." he said. "Why?" Bella asked. "Carlisle should look 10 years older than he should right now. People are starting to notice..." he said. Bella turns to look at me. "Okay... I'll try to think of what to tell to Charlie..." she said. Edward just looks at her with no emotion.

"When you said we..." Bella said. "I meant my family and myself..." he said. Bella looks at him in sadness. I turn him to look at me.

I glare at him with pure anger. "You're just going to leave her? That easily?!" I said. "Stay out of this, Y/N..." he said. "If you want me to stay out of this. Why would you asked me to come in the first place? You know I won't just stand back and do nothing when you're about to crush my sister's heart!" I yelled at him.

"That's not why I asked you to come, Y/N... I want you to promise me something..." he said. I just glare at him. He turns to look at Bella, then looks back at me.

"Please... take care of Bella. Make sure she didn't do anything reckless... do it for your father and yourself, Y/N..." he said. "What are you saying, huh?" I said. "This will be the last time you'll see me..." he said.

Bella shakes her head. "If this is about my soul. Take it! I don't want it without you!" She said. "It's not about your soul. You're just not good enough for me..." he said. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "I'm not good enough for you?" She said, I can see the pain in her eyes.

"No..." Edward said. "Please... d-don't..." Bella plead at him. His face remains indifferent. I growl as I swung my fist at his cheek. He stumbles back at the impact. I was about to walk towards him for another punch, but Bella grabs my wrist.

"I'm sorry... goodbye, Bella..." he said, walking to her and place a soft kiss on her forehead. I can see his struggle. He's lying to himself. Then he runs off.

"Edward..." she said, she was about to run after him. "I got this..." I said, stopping her. I turn around and runs towards his direction. He stop at the clearing as if he's waiting for me to catch up.

"I can see how much it's hurting you. Why'd you lie to yourself. I can see how much you love Bella. So why? WHY would you want to leave her! Why?!" I scream.

"I have no choice, Y/N... after what happened with Jasper. I knew she wouldn't be safe with me. She deserve to live a happy and normal life... she can't have that if she's with me" he said. I slap his cheek, making his face turns side ways.

"Why are you being so stupid huh? She don't care about having a normal life as long as she's with you! You're her happiness... and by leaving you're doing nothing but crushing her!" I said, screaming at him. My whole body is shaking out of anger.

"She will have to learn to move on... she will find someone better than me... I'm sorry..." he said. He hits me on my neck. I fall on my knees. The last thing I remember is Edward's sad face as he catch me before I hit the ground.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... please take care of Bella for me. Don't let anything bad happen to her... and don't say anything about this... you're like a sister to me and I love you so much..." he said. Then everything turns black.


"Y/N! Don't leave me! I can't live without you!" A person screams. "___ I will never leave you... I love you so much..." I said. "I love you too, Y/N..." he said.


I can feel myself getting carried. My eyes flutter open and see someone, shirtless. My eyes widened and practically jumps out of his arms, startling him.

"Seems like you're okay..." he said. "I'm stronger than I look. But that's not the point. Who the heck are you? And why are you carrying me??" I said, glaring at him.

He raise his hands in surrender. "Hey... I mean no harm. Your father send us. You and your sister haven't returned..." he said. My eyes widened in realization. "Bella! Where is she?!" I said. "We're trying to look for her. But now I need to get you back to your dad. He's been worried sick..." he said. "Right..." I said. I was about to walk, but stumble as I still feel dizzy. He instantly catches me.

He picks me up again. "Just rest... it's okay..." he said. I just nod my head, too weak to say a thing. We finally reach home. I can see Dad moving back and forth, looking worried.

"You can put me down. I can manage..." I said. He looks down at me and nod his head. "Alright..." he said, placing me back on my feet. "Thank you... I'm Y/N Swan..." I said. "I know... my name is Paul Lahote..." he said. I take a breath and make out a distinct smell, in an instant I can tell that he's a shifter. But he doesn't seem to know that I'm a half-vampire.

It is hard to tell whether someone is a half-vampires. Only someone with a very sharp sense and is very observant could tell. So I don't tell him that I'm one. I don't wanna have trouble here. It's hard enough when I'm back in Phoenix. Now I just want to be in peace.

He smiles at me and turns around to leave. I turn around and walks towards Dad. Bill is the first to see me. "Charlie... look!" He said, pointing at me. Dad turns his head to look at me. Relief is shown in his face as he runs towards me.

He pulls away and starts checking me for any signs of injuries. "Where have you been? You worried me. Where is Bella? Why are you two in the woods? Don't you know how dangerous it is??" He said, start bombarding me with questions. "Dad..." I start. "Are you hurt? Did something attack you??" He keeps on rambling. "Dad!" I said, louder this time. He stops rambling and looks at me. "I'm okay... don't worry... I'm fine..." I said. "I'll always be worried when it comes to my daughters. You two are SO precious to me..." he said, pulling me into a hug. I just hug him back.

"Don't go off on your own..." he said. "I won't dad... I'll stay safe... I promise..." I said. I feel a soft kiss on the crown of my head.

"What about Bella? Is she back yet?" I asked. "No... they're still looking for her..." he said, worried. I let out a sigh and turns to look into the woods.

I shouldn't have left her... Bella, I'm sorry...

*to be continued*

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