Chapter 40

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Previously on Chapter 39

"I was so scared... I-I thought t-that I w-won't able to see you again..." I said, crying on her shoulder. "Well I'm here now, aren't I? I'll always be here... forever. I'm sorry that I scared you..." she said. I pull away and smile at her. "Looks like we're even. Now I know how you feel when you thought I was gone..." I said. She giggles and nods her head. I'm so happy...

I got my sister back...

-Bella's Rage on Jacob-


I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. Jacob is walking out of the house. He have a smile on his face as he looks at Bella.

"You're still here" Bella said. "So were you... I didn't expect to see you looking so... you. Except for the creepy eyes..." he said, smiling at Bella, walking up to Bella. Bella starts to look nervous. "I would... I-I would keep my distance for now..." she said. I smile softly, knowing she didn't want to hurt him. Oh if only she knows.

"Safer for the baby to see how you do with me first" Jacob said. Bella furrows her eyebrow. "Since when do you care about Renesmee?" She said. Jacob just looks at me and Edward, looking nervous. He just take a deep breath and walk closer to Bella.

"Alright... take a whiff..." he said. Bella just looks at him. Then she slowly take a step forward and start to sniff him. She looks surprise and a little disgusted. I bit my lips, trying to stop myself from laughing.

"Now I see what everyone's been talking about. Jake you really do stink" she said. This time I can't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. Jake turns to me and rolls his eyes.

"Why don't you stink?" Bella said, turning to look at me. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm partly a vampire too, remember?" I said. "Right..." she said. Edward walks to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"You guys... really look great together..." Jacob said, smiling at the pair. Bella looks taken aback by what he just said. I wonder how she'll react when she find out Jacob imprinted on her daughter.

We starts walking inside the house. Everyone turns their heads to us. "Welcome to the family..." Esme said. Alice smiles at the sight of Bella. "You look AMAZING, Bella..." she said. Bella smiles back at her.

"Rose..." Esme said. Rosalie turns around to reveal Renesmee in her arms. Bella walks to her and she place Renesmee on her arms. Bella looks at her baby in pure admiration.

Renesmee raises her hand and place it on Bella's cheek. I can see Bella's eyes clouded over. I smile knowing Renesmee is showing Bella her a first memory.

"What was that?" Bella said. "She's showing you the first memory she have with you..." Edward said. "Show me... how?" Bella said. "I can read minds... Alice can see the future... Y/N with her telekinetic, dream gaze and psychometry ability... she have gift..." he said. Bella gently place her finger on Renesmee chin, and pull it down softly to reveal two teeth. She was shock at how fast Renesmee grows, when she's only been out for 2 days.

Jacob walks towards them. "Alright... I think that's enough experimenting for one day..." he said. Bella turns to look at him. "Jacob... she's doing great" I said. "Yeah... let's not push it though" he said. Bella turns to look at him. "What's your problem?" She said. Jacob starts to looks nervous.

"Do tell her, Jacob..." Rosalie said. "This should be good..." Emmet said. I just giggle softly. "Bella..." Edward said, taking Renesmee from Bella's arms. Then she turns to look at Jacob with serious face.

"Look... it's a wolf thing..." Jacob said. "What's a wolf thing?" She said. Rosalie just smile at what she said. Then she walks to Edward to carry Renesmee.

"Um... you know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. But it doesn't mean what you think Bella... I promise..." he said, not telling her directly. "Take Renesmee out of here..." she said. "Oh..." Jacob said, looking even more nervous. Edward place a hand on her shoulder.

"Edward don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you..." she said. Then she grabs Jacob by the nape and start dragging her out of the house.

She throws Jacob and he lands on the ground with a stumble. "You imprinted on my daughter!" Bella said, raging on Jacob. "It wasn't my choice!" Jacob tried to defend. "She's a baby!" Bella said. "It's not like that! Do you think Edward would let me live if it was?" He said. "I'm still debating..." Edward said as he leans himself on the porch rail.

"I've held her once... one time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!!" She yelled, pushing Jacob off. Seth and Leah comes towards them. Jacob turns to them. "It's fine, Leah..." he said. Then he turns to look at Bella again.

"You're gonna stay away from her..." Bella said. "You know I can't do that..." he said. Bella push him again, sending him flying back and crash into a rock. Seth and Leah growls.

"Stop her, Edward..." Esme said. "He's going to get hurt..." I said, worried for Jacob. "It's fine... she's amazing, right?" Edward said, looking proud. I let out a sigh, knowing Edward is enjoying this.

Jacob stands up and looks at Bella in the eyes. "Do you remember how much you want to be around me 3 days ago? That's gone now, right?" He said. "Long gone" Bella said. "Because that was her... from the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there" he said. Bella glares at him. "Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter of the Loch Ness Monster!" She yelled out of pure anger. She runs forward to attack Jacob, but Seth runs forward. Bella grabs him and throw him off. He hits his back on the tree.

"Seth!" I yelled. I run towards him. "Seth are you okay??" I said. "Seth I'm sorry..." Bella said. I turn to glare at her. She looks at me, feeling guilty. "Y/N... I d-didn't m-mean to" she said. I ignore her and turn to Seth. I gently caress his fur as he whines to me.

"He's going to be okay..." Jacob reassures. Leah walk towards Seth as he gets up. Seth leans to her. Leah growls at Bella. Jacob outstretch his hand to stop Leah from trying anything.

"You know me... better than anyone. All I want is for Ness-" he start, but stops himself when he sees Bella's glare. "Renesmee... to be safe... happy" he corrected himself.

"Look... nothing makes sense to me before... you, me, anyone... and now I understand why... this was the reason..." he said, looking at Bella in the eyes pleadingly. Bella lets out a sigh as she finally cools down.

I turn my head as I hear footsteps. Seth is limping as he walks towards me. I wrap my arm around his torso, letting him wrap his arm around my shoulder for support.

Bella turns to look at him. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." she said. "It's okay... I understand why" Seth said, smiling at her. She smiles back and they all enter the house, except for Seth and I.

I turn to Seth. He smiles at me as he notice the look in my eyes, which is filled with worry. "I'm alright, baby... don't worry about me..." he said, cupping my cheeks softly. I let out a sigh and leans to his touch. I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips. I can feel him smiling into the kiss as he wraps his arms around my waist.

*to be continued*

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