Chapter 54

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Previously on Chapter 53

"I'm glad she has you, Jacob" Edward said. "Should I start calling you dad?" Jacob said, jokingly. I let out a laugh at what he said. Edward chuckles softly and shake his head. "No..." he said. Renesmee walks to us and smile. Bella gently holds her hand, she place Renesmee's hand on her cheek. "Yeah... we're going to be together now..." she said, smiling at her child. I smile and lean my head against Seth's shoulder. I let out a happy sigh. Finally...

We're safe...

-A Date With Seth-


I've seen Alice's vision. I know what I have to do. I know that I have to accept my destiny as a hybrid. So that's what I do. Now I can phase into a wolf at will.

Catch me if you can!!! I yelled to Seth as we run in the woods in our wolf form. Oh I will! Just you wait, babe!! You can't run from me that long!!! He yelled back.

I let out a yelp when Seth finally tackled me down. We start to playfully bite each other. Then we just lay on each other. He licks my fur softly and I lick his in return.

I'm happy to see that you're finally accepting who you are, baby... he said. Yeah... I'm glad too. Now I can know who I truly am... I said back.

Then he suddenly went silent. I look at him with a worried gaze. Is there something wrong? I said. It's just... won't it be weird? You know... your dad and my mom are together... so were us... he said. It's not going to be weird... don't worry. Charlie isn't my biological dad, remember? I said. Oh right... sorry. My bad... he said, I can hear him laughing in my head.

We are currently on a date. But it's not the typical date like people normally do. No cafe... no picnic... no movie and such. Since we're both shifter... we chose to just play tag in the forest.

Baby... he said. Yeah? I respond. You wanna head back? I still have one more surprise for you... he said. I get up and stretch my body, then shake my fur. Sure... let's head back... I said. He gets up as well. We look at each other for a few second. Race you!! I yelled and instantly took off running. Hey! No fair! You have a head start!!! He yelled behind me. I just giggle and run faster.


We change into our human form before reaching my home. Seth walks me to the front door. Then he pulls me closer to him.

I yelped at his sudden movement. My hands went to his shoulders out of reflect to stay balance. He let out a chuckle at my startled face. I roll my eyes at him. I pinch his nose. He scrunch it in respond, making me giggle softly.

He smiles softly as he tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you, baby..." he said. "And I love you too, Seth..." I said, smiling softly as I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile and tilt my head, kissing back.

"Now... go inside... and get ready... I'll come back around 7. I wanna take you somewhere..." he said. "As human or as wolf?" I said. "Human..." he said. "Okay..." I said, nodding my head. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he pulls away from me. He waves and turn around to leave. I can feel him phasing when he reach the woods. Then he howl, making me smile. I turn around and enter the house.

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