Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

I nod at each one of them. "I'm Y/N Swan... just like what Bella said. Nice to meet you..." I said. They all smiles at me, though Jessica's seems fake. I don't know what her problems was... and to be honest... I don't care at all.

-Meeting The Cullens-


Bella guide me through the school hall. As we walk, I can feel everyone's eyes is on me. I just try to ignore their stares as best as I could.

"Are you still nervous?" Bella asked. "Kinda... and I hate how they are all staring at me..." I said, taking a quick glance at them to see they are still staring at me.

Bella chuckles softly. "Don't worry about it. They are all curious about you..." she said. I let out a sigh and nod my head at what she said.

"Did you go through this too?" I asked. "Of course... even more when I got together with Edward..." she said. "Why? Is Edward popular here or something?" I asked again. "Um... you could say that..." she said, smiling at me. I nod my head, smiling back at her.

We stop in front of a class. "I'm glad we have all the same classes..." I said. "Yeah... me too... now come on... let's get inside..." she said, smiling at me. I nod my head and enters the class after her.

"Ah... you must be the new student... another Ms. Swan, right?" the professor said, as soon as we enter the class. "Uh... yeah, that's me... I'm Y/N Swan... Bella's younger sister..." I said, smiling nervously. Bella pat my shoulder to comfort me, then she walks towards her seat. She's sitting next to Edward.

"Welcome... you can sit in front of Bella..." he said, gesturing towards the seat. "Awesome... thank you, Sir..." I said. Then I walk towards the seat and take a seat.

"Glad you're sitting close to me..." Bella said, patting my shoulder. I turn my head slightly and smile at her. "Yeah... I'm glad too..." I said. I turn to look at Edward to see him smiling at me. Then I turn my head back to the front of the class. The professor begin the lesson.

Time-skip (Lunch Break)

It's the end of the lesson now. I'm packing my stuff. Bella is standing next to me, waiting for me to finish packing.

"Let's go to the cafeteria now..." she said. I nod my head and sling my backpack across one shoulder. I walk behind her, as she walks next to Edward.

"You're going to meet the rest of my family now..." Edward said, turning his head to look at me. "Oh... really?" I said. "Don't worry, Y/N... they're good... uh... people..." she said. Edward looks at her, then back at me. He have the 'why haven't you tell her?' Look.

I will tell her... but not now... I promise... I thought, knowing he can hear me. He just give me a curt nod. I let out a sigh of relief.

Soon we reach the cafeteria. Bella grabs my hand and starts pulling me along. "Come on... you're going to sit with us..." she said. I just stay silent and follow her.

Thanks to the super hearing and sight that I got from being a half-vampire, I can already see the group of people.

Wow... they're all a bunch of vampires... I thought to myself, in shock. I can see Edward trying not to laugh. I just glare at him. Stop laughing at me... I tell him in my head.

I take a seat in next to Bella, in front of a girl with short hair. She smiles when she looks at me. "Hey... never seen you around. Are you new here?" She said. I just smile and nod my head.

She leans forward and outstretch her hand. "Hello... my name is Alice Cullen..." she said. I take her hand softly. "Y/N Swan..." I said. "Swan? Bella... are you two related?" She said, looking at Bella. "Yeah... she is my younger sister..." Bella said. She just nods her head and smile at me. I smile back at her. Bella is right... they're nice well... vampires.

"Y/N... you should come with me. I'm going to hang out at their house today..." Bella said, suddenly. "I... I don't think that's a good idea..." I said. "Why not?" She said, looking confused.

"I don't want to trespass and come uninvited..." I said. Alice shakes her head. "No... please... you can come. You're Bella's sister. Which means you're a part of us too..." she said, smiling brightly at me. I glance at the rest of the Cullens. They smiles and nod their heads at me. "Alright... I'll come..." I said, with a smile. "Yayyy..." Bella said, hugging me. I let out a yelp of surprise.

"Bella acts so different around you, Y/N..." Emmet suddenly said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well... usually she don't really act... u-um... l-like that" He said, gesturing to Bella who looks excited while still hugging me.

"You mean bubbly and excited?" I said. "Yeah... this is the first time I see her that way..." he said. Bella turns to him. "Well... what can I say? Y/N is my baby sister..." she said, hugging me tighter. "Bella! Don't baby me..." I said, pouting at her. She laughs at me. "You'll always be my baby sister..." she said, ruffling my hair. "Stop!" I whined, earning laughs from the others.

After School

Just like Bella said. We'll be going to Cullen's house to hang out. I'm sitting in the back seat just like this morning, heading to their house.

It didn't take long to get there. Edward parks the car and exit. He opens the door for Bella and I. I get out of the car and look at the house. "Wow... this house is beautiful..." I said, looking at the house in awe.

"Come on..." Bella said, grabbing my hand. "Okay..." I said. We walk inside the house. I look around the house and stare at the interiors. This is truly a nice house.

There's a guy and a woman sitting on the couch. I stop walking and stand there awkwardly. The woman turns her attention to me. She stands up and walks towards me.

"This must be the new student..." she said. "Yeah... I am..." I said, nodding my head. "My name is Esme" she said, offering her hand. "Y/N Swan... Bella's younger sister...." I said, as I shake her hand. "Wow. I didn't know you have a younger sister, Bella..." she said, turning to look at Bella. Bella just smile at her.

We spend the entire evening talking and laughing. I slowly ease up and join their conversation once in a while. As we talk... I slowly feel like I've fit in. This makes me feel like I belong.

*to be continued*

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