Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

By the end of it, he looks speechless. "So... pretty much... I've seen you coming. Much like Alice who have visions about the future. I can do that too but through my dreams... now that I think about it... a lot of my dreams have turned into reality..." I said. "Wow... that's awesome... Y/N... you're truly are amazing..." he said, smiling brightly at me. I just smile shyly at him.

-Graduation and Celebration-


Since I pretty much excelled in every subject. They let offer me to graduate with Bella and the others, in which I gladly agreed to.

So today... I'll be graduating with along with. I'm sitting in the crowd, next to Bella. Edward's sitting on the other side of her. The rest of the Cullens is sitting in their respective seats.

Jessica is giving her speech, since she's chosen to be the valedictorian. She's talking about dreams and how our life might be in the future.

I turn my head and see Seth standing not far from me. He's holding a camera as he snaps pictures of me. He notice that I'm staring at him, so move the camera from his face and wave at me. I smile and wave back at him.

Seth and I have already been in a relationship. I smile thinking of when he asked me to be his girl. It was so sweet.


We were at LaPush beach. I was shocked when I see the place. It was exactly like how I've seen it in my dreams.

Seth leads me to a spot. Petals of roses are scattered around on the sand, that forms a heart. Then it is outlined with candles. It was beautiful. His pack, my sister and the Cullens surrounds us as they sing together. Even though the Quileute tribe and the Cullens are not on the same page. They made an exception for that day.

Once the song is over. Seth grabbed my hand softly and smile at me. "Y/N Swan... you're the MOST beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I can feel the gravity around me disappeared when I our eyes met. In an instant, I know that I've imprinted on you. But I don't wanna be with you because I feel obliged to. I wanna be with you because I WANT to... and I want to be with you. To be everything you wanted me to be. So... Y/N Swan... will you let us take the next step into our relationship? Will you give me the honor to call you mine? Will you be my girlfriend?" He said, looking at me with a hopeful smile. I just smile brightly and pulled him into a soft and loving kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kisses me passionately.

End of Flashback

If that isn't the sweetest way to confess. I don't know what is. The fact that the Cullens and the Quileute pack chose to settle their differences for a bit just to support us... it was mind blowing.

After the speech, it's time for us to get our certificate. I wait until my name being called. Then I stand up and walk towards the stage. Once I've received it. I turn around to face the crowd, who claps at me as a sign of congratulations.

I walk down the stage and get pulled into a tight hug. "Congratulations, baby!" he said, spinning us around. I squeal as I'm don't expect that.

He places me down on my feet and cups my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you... you're the youngest graduate in this ceremony with the HIGHEST score... just... wow... you never cease to amaze me..." he said, with a wide smile. Then he softly pulls me into a soft and passionate kiss.

Someone clear their throat, making us pull away from each other. I turn my head to see my dad. He smiles at me and turns to look at Seth who just stand there awkwardly.

"Congratulation, Y/N" he said, turning to look at me. I smile softly at him. "Thank you, Dad..." I said. He pulls me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you..." he said. I smile as I hug him back.


We are now in Cullen's house. They are holding a graduation party. Everyone from school comes to the party.

I'm standing in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection.

"You look beautiful, Y/N

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"You look beautiful, Y/N..." Bella said. "Thank you, Bel... it's a shame you don't want to wear dresses" I said. "You know it's not my thing..." she said. I just giggle at what she said.

"Seth will drool when he sees you..." she said, teasing me. "Bella!" I said, with a blush on my face. She just giggles at me. "Come on... lets go... we don't wanna get late..." she said. "Yeah... Edward's already here" I said. "He is? Why didn't you say so! Let's go. We don't want to make him wait..." She said. I grab my purse and walk out the house with her.

"Wow... look at you, Y/N... dressing up for the first time..."Edward said, knowing that I can be pretty boyish sometimes. "She's going that to impress Seth, what else? Right, sis?" Bella said, winking at me. I just blush at what she said.

Damn you, Bella... I thought to myself. Edward let our a chuckle because he knew what I'm thinking. "What is she thinking, Edward?" Bella asked. He opens his mouth, but I hit his shoulder. He wince a little.

"I keep forgetting that she's not a normal human..." he said. I just giggle and stick my tongue out at him. We get inside his car and head towards his house.

I'm speechless... they've done it. The house looks so much different from what I'm used to see. It looks like a clubbing house. Just... Wow.

We enter the house and greet people here and there. Jessica walks towards us. "So... how's my speech?" She said. "It's great..." Bella said. "I know right! It's like I was born to lead..." she said. She's still the same... so full of herself. I turn my head to see Jacob and his friends. I nudge Bella and gesture towards them. Even from where I'm standing I can hear what they're talking about.

Apparently, Jacob confessed to Bella and forcefully kissed her... which angered Bella and she punch his face. But Jacob being a shifter which makes his skin is practically as hard as rock... making Bella sprain her hand instead. I can hear Jacob apologizing to her. Then he gives Bella a charm bracelet.

"Y/N!" I hear someone calls out for me. I turn my head to see Seth. "Hey!" I said, happy that he's here. He engulfs me into a hug and twirl us around. I let out a happy laugh as I hold onto his shoulders. Then he places me down and leans in to kiss me. I close my eyes and tilt my head to kiss him back... and let the party begin!!

*to be continued*

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