Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

Charlie fills out an adoption form, making Y/N officially becomes his daughter. Isabella hugs Y/N. "You're my sister now! Now we can do everything together!" Isabella cheers. "We always do everything together, silly..." Y/N said, laughing but hugs her back nonetheless. Just like that... L/N Y/N name have changed into Y/N Swan. She is the adopted sister of Isabella Swan, Charlie's Swan adopted daughter.

What will happen next?



"I'm going to miss you, Y/N..." mom said. I met her when dad brings me here and I stayed with her along with Bella. Our mother divorced with dad and marry another guy.

Bella is the first to leave Phoenix to go and live with dad back in Forks. I had to stay for a bit longer because I'm almost graduating highschool. I'm currently 14. I'm going to turn 15 in a couple of months. Which means I'm the younger one.

Today I'll be leaving to finally go and live with dad in Forks. I hug mom tightly. "I'm going to miss you too, Mom... as well as Phoenix. There's a lot of memories here..." I said. "Make sure to call me, yeah?" She said. "Every chances I get..." I said, nodding my head. She wipes her tears and wipes mine.

"Come on now... let's get you to the airport. You're going to miss your flight if you stay any longer..." she said. I nod my head in agreement. I grab all my stuff and head to the car. She will be driving me to the airport.


Bella P.O.V

Edward and I enters the house. "Hey dad..." I said, as I enter the living room. "Hey Bella... how's your day?" He said, turning to look at me with a happy smile. I look at him in confusion.

"Something's different today. You seem excited..." I said. Edward just looks at him, but he didn't say a thing. I can't ask him either or dad will know he's different.

"I have a surprise for you. Someone is waiting for you in your room..." he said. "Really? Who?" I said, looking at him even more confused. He just smiles at me. My eyes widened as I realize it. "N-No way... r-really?!" I said. He just smiles at me. I instantly let go of Edward's hand and sprint upstairs.


I'm sitting in Bella's bed, just chilling as I wait for her to return as I go through a photo album of our family. Soon enough I can hear footsteps and smile to myself. She's here.

The door to her room swing open. I stand up and smile at her. "Surprise!" I said, outstretching my arms. "Y/N... you're really here!" She said, running to me. She pulls me into a tight hug. "Woah..." I said, laughing.

"Hey, Bel... it's been a while, hasn't it?" I said. "It's been too long. I missed you so much" she said, as she pulls away and smiles happily at me. "Awee... I miss you too!" I said, pulling her into another hug.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're coming? If I'd known... I would have go to the airport to pick you up" She said. "Well... it wouldn't be a surprise if you know, wouldn't it?" I said, rolling my eyes. She just pout at me. I just giggle softly and push her shoulder playfully.

"So... any boy catch your attention?" I asked, in a teasing voice. I can see her cheek turning a soft pink. This makes me laugh. "Uh huh... I'd take that as a yes..." I said. "I do... he's downstairs actually. Wait here... I'm going to call him here..." she said. I nod my head "okay..." I said. She smiles at me and turn around. She walks out of the room.

When she comes back, a guy is walking close behind her. As soon as I make eye contact with him. In an instant, I can tell that he's not a normal human.

He looks back at me and his eyes widened. Bella is confused with our interactions. "What's going on? Did you guys know each other or something?" She asked. "Huh? No... not really..." I said. She looks at me with a suspicious smile. She open her mouth to speak, but dad cuts him off.

"Bella! Can you help me with something?" He said. "Coming!" She responded. She looks at me one more time and walks out of the room, leaving me and her boyfriend in the room.

"Who are you?" Her boyfriend suddenly asked. "I'm Y/N... Y/N Swan..." I said. "It's not your name I just asked... I meant WHO are you? I'm pretty sure you caught on what I am. I can sense something different in your blood. You're showing signs of immortality on your face. Yet... I can hear your heart beating from here... so tell me... who are you? Are you one of our kind?" He said again. "What? Vampires? You could say that..." I said, shrugging my shoulder.

"So why is your heart still beating?" He said, looking at me in confusion. "I'm born this way. I guess you could say that I'm half Vampire" I said, making his eyes widened. "Does Bella knows?" He said. I shake my head. "Not yet... but she will soon. By the looks of it... she already knew what you are..." I said. He just nods his head, then he smiles and offers his hand to me.

"My name is Edward Cullen..." he said, offering his hand for a handshake. I nod my head, accepting his hand. "I'm Y/N Swan... as I told you before you start interrogating me..." I said. He lets out a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that... I just want to make sure Bella is safe..." he said. "I'm glad she have someone like you..." I said, smiling at him. He returns the smile.

"So... all vampires have gifts. What's yours?" I said, smiling at him. "Mind readers..." he said. I look at him in confusion. "If you can read minds... shouldn't you know about me in Bella's mind or dad's?" I said. "Yeah well... I can't read Bella's mind and um... I'm scared to read Charlie's mind..." he said, rubbing his neck nervously. "You are scared to know what dad thinks about you?" I said. He just nods his head, making me laugh.

Well... first day back in Forks. I found out Bella have a boyfriend... and he's a vampire. Hmm... what an interesting start.

*to be continued*

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