Chapter 42

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Previously on Chapter 41


I can feel Jacob phasing. I let out a growl. "Stupid, Jake! Why would he show him about that! Now Bella will be in trouble because of him" I said. "Yeah... just how reckless can that guy be..." Seth said, running his hand through his hair. He looks just as frustrated as I am. But the damage had been done... there is nothing I can do about it.

Jake... you idiot...

-Teaching Bella How To Act Human-


I told dad that I'll be going to the Cullen's again. He told me he'll come later in the evening. This makes me panic, but I try my best to mask it so he won't suspect anything.

As I drive, I keep one hand on the wheel while the other is resting on the window. I bit my thumb out of nervousness. Bella will be in trouble... she can't tell dad what happened to her. But knowing dad... he's not going to drop it.

"Calm down, baby..." I hear Seth said. I take a deep breath and sigh. "Jacob is so reckless..." I said. "I know... but I kinda understand what he feels" he said.

I turn to look at him in shock. "So you're okay with his act??" I said. "What? No... I'm not okay with his act. It's just... I understand his feelings. He just don't wanna be separated from Renesmee. I-If you k-know what I m-mean" he stuttered out. "Oh... sorry for the way I react. I'm just in panic, you know..." I said. He nods his head, scooting closer to my side. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, while I keep driving.

After a while, I finally reach the house. I get off the truck and Seth doing the same. I run inside. "Bella! Edward!" I called out, panic is lacing in my voice. I hear footsteps coming towards me.

Bella speeds over until she's standing next to me. "What's wrong, Y/N? Why do you seem to be in panic?" She said. Edward stands next to her, then the rest gathers.

I take a couple of deep breath. "Jacob's an idiot! He's done something REALLY stupid. Like literally!" I said. "Why? What happen?" Esme said. I open my mouth to tell them, but the sound of motorcycle stops me.

I glance at the window to see Jacob pulling up. "Why don't you ask him..." I said, pointing at Jacob who's walking up the steps. Bella looks at Jacob, then at me. She nods her head and walks out of the house.

"Y/N told me you did something stupid. What did you do?" Bella said. I walk out of the house and cross my arms across my chest. Jacob looks at me, then at Bella and gulped.

"I uh..." he hesitate. I let out a groan of frustration, because he's not saying what he did. "Geez! Spit it out!" I yelled. He flinch and looks at me wide-eyed. It's clear that he didn't expect me to react that way.

"Y/N... what's going on? Why are you reacting like this?" Bella said, looking at me in confusion. I glare at Jacob and turns to look at Bella.

"He told dad about you! He showed dad that he's a shifter!" I said, while pointing at Jacob in anger. I can see the shock on everyone's face.

"You did what?! Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused??" Edward said, I can see anger showing on his face. "B-But... everything's okay. Bella didn't have to leave..." he said. I scoff at his choice of defense.

"It's not just about that, Jacob! Bella's a newborn... the scent of blood is like putting a white branding iron down her throat... and that is if she's able to control her thirst! Aside from that... our dad won't just stand back and do nothing. He'll try everything he can to know what is going on with Bella! And the worse thing that could happen is what if the Volturi finds out? They're going to kill dad!!" I said. I can see his eyes widening.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I-I didn't k-know..." he stuttered out. I scoff and roll my eyes. "You're so reckless Jacob..." I said. He looks down in guilt.

"Why didn't you do something, Y/N... you were there too, remember?" I hear Bella said. I turn to look at her in disbelief. "Are you being serious right now? Have you forgotten what I am? Bella... I'm not a human. I'm a FREAKING hybrid! If I stop Jacob from showing dad that he's a shifter... dad will ask me how I know. Then what am I suppose to say??" I said, throwing my hands in the air out to show her how frustrated I am. She realizes her mistake and looks at me in guilt. "I'm sorry, Y/N..." she said. I let out a sigh and try to calm down.

"And... that's not all..." I said, after calming down. "What now?" Edward said, looking worried. "Dad is on his way... he's coming here to visit Bella" I said. "WHAT??" They said, in shock.


"This going to irritate your eyes a little..." Alice said, while putting contact lenses on Bella's eyes. "Try to sit on the chair over there... crossing your leg" I said, pointing at the chair that's placed by the wall. She stands up and speed over there.

"Maybe a tad slower?" Esme said. Carlisle nod his head, while making a hand gesture. "And blink at least 3 times a minute..." Alice said. She did that too, but it looks weird.

"Good..." Alice said. "For a cartoon character..." I hear Jacob said. "Hold your breath. It'll help with the thirst..." Carlisle said. "Don't forget to move your shoulder so it'll appear that you're breathing..." Edward said. Then we all acted. She did as told.

"Don't sit too straight... humans don't do that..." Rosalie said. She starts to slouch, then shake and stand up. "Okay I got it... move around, blink, slouch" she said, nodding her head. "Good luck, Bella..." I said, smiling worriedly at her. She just smile at me. I can hear the sound of car pulling up and gulp, knowing it's dad.

*to be continued*

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