Chapter 2: Forged in Steel

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"So here's the thing you guys know my name, but I don't know yours." Brody said.

"I'm Sarah, I'm new in town." Sarah said introducing herself.

"And I'm Preston." Preston said.

"Tell us about Aiden what he was like?" Sarah asked to change the subject.

"He was so cool when we spar as kids together, he got things faster than me and he just kept bragging until I got the hang of things." He explained chuckling at the end. "Yeah my dad trained both Aiden and me to become ninjas since forever. And later my dad also trained Bella when she came by."

"And how do you know each other?" Preston asked.

"We have been friends since 10 years ago." Brody said.

"One day I was just playing and then a soccer ball came at me. Aiden was able to warn me in time so I could avoid it. Then Brody asked if I wanted to play and we've been friends ever since." I explained.

"And you still have something to explain." said Brody while looking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"About the day I disappeared 10 years ago." He answered

"And what happened then for which you want an explanation?" I asked as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Your heat breath that allowed you to escape." He said.

"I wanted to tell you earlier but I wasn't allowed to. Have you ever heard of Thunderman and Electris?" I asked. They all shook their heads. "They are superheroes. But they are also my parents. That's why I have super powers." I explained.

"What are your powers?" Preston asked.

"Telekinesis, freeze breath, heat breath, superspeed and teleportation." I answered as we arrived.

"Wow." I heard Preston mutter.

"Let's check the shed. "I said as Brody and I ran to the shed. "Aiden!" I screamed with a smile on my face as I ran into the shed. "Aiden?" I asked loudly, looking around.

"Let's take a look at the house." Brody said as I nodded and the four of us walked into the house. "Aiden? Are you here?" Brody asked, but he didn't respond. "Where would my brother be? Aiden!" Brody yelled as he ran out of the house. "Aiden! Aiden"

"Aiden, where are you!" I screamed.

"My sensors are not detecting signs of life." RedBot said.

"He must be here, I tell you." Brody said breathless. "He wouldn't go." Brody said, sitting down and putting his hands behind his head.

"It's been 10 years." RedBot said, walking towards Brody. "Aiden could be anywhere now." RedBot added, putting his hand on Brody's shoulder.

"Hey. You said your father trained him to be a ninja too? ' Sara asked Brody.

"Yes." Brody said to her.

"If he's half resourceful like you, I'm sure he's fine wherever he is." Sara said, smiling at Brody.

"Um guys, Galvanax could be here any minute." Preston said as he ran to us. "We really need to find that Ninja Steel." Preston told us.

"You're right." Brody said as I reached out to him. Brody took my hand. "I think I know where Aiden would have put it." Brody said as I helped him.

"I bet it's at your dad's workshop. This way." I said to Brody and we led the way. The four of us ran to the workshop and Brody took a shovel. We ran into the workshop and Brody immediately started digging.

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