Chapter 39: Love Stings

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Today, it's Valentine's day. But I got called by Phoebe around 6 am because she was so excited about her and Nathan's first Valentine together. I know, it was early. I was really annoyed with her when she called. But she didn't care, like always. She was too eager to tell me about what Nathan might have been planning on doing with her. The only thing that left my lips were sleepy sounds. She literally blasted my ear off with her talking. It lasted for an hour and a half or so. When she hung up, I directly texted Levi. He was gonna stop by my place before we headed to school together. There was one thing I didn't need to worry about and that was Levi might arrive while I was getting ready. He could easily come in with the spare key that I gave him. Besides, I knew I wasn't going back to sleep, or at least so I thought. I did fall asleep again, almost right after she hung up.

"Bella, wake up." I heard a voice say. Then I felt a light shake. "Bell, love, come on." Slowly I opened my eyes and saw Levi hovering above me. "Happy Valentine's day."

"Happy Valentine's day." I said softly with a sleepy smile. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Still fell asleep after Phoebe called, huh." Levi said with a teasing smile. I nodded tiredly as he stood up again. "Come on, we have to go soon." He held his hand out and helped me up from my bed. "Not that I am complaining, but you need to change." I looked down at what I was wearing, just one of his shirts, which left one of my shoulders bare because it slipped off a little and my beige pyjama shorts.

"Oh, haha." I laughed sarcastically. I then walked towards my closet to look for an outfit. Eventually, I went for my tight silver dress with a golden belt. There also was a spilt on the side, so I could easily move around in it. I walked into the bathroom to change. Not because I was embarrassed he was in the same room, but so I could instantly go on with getting ready. When I started to brush my hair, I heard the bathroom door open.

"You look beautiful, do you know that?" Levi asked as he placed his hands on my waist.

"You tell me that every day." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"And every day it's true." He said as he grabbed my brush. He started to brush my hair for me. I sighed as I grabbed my hair ties. I grabbed some of the hairs on the top of my head and made a little bun on the back of my head. The rest of my hair hangs loose over my shoulders. One lock of hair crossed from my hair parting to the left and hanging half in front of my eye. Levi pushed it a little more out of my eye, causing me to smile. "Let's get to school." I nodded. I quickly grabbed my bag and followed him out the door. 

At school, we met up with Brody at the Snack Stop. "So, Brody, do you have a date to the Valentine's dance tonight?" Levi asked as we walked away from the truck while holding our drinks.

"Yeah, bro. It's gonna be cool." Brody answered. "And I don't think I have to ask you."

"Nope." Levi said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He then smiled at me before he spoke up again. "I wouldn't trade this girl for anyone." As we walked past the pool table, Calvin and Hayley joined us while holding hands.

"Did you guys hear who I'm taking to the Valentine's dance?" Calvin asked us.

"Let me gues, does her name start with an H?" Levi asked.

"And does she happen to be one of my bestest friend." I added grinning. Both Calvin and Hayley chuckled. Hayley punched Calvin in the shoulder while laughing before walking away.

"Ouch." Calvin whispered as he rubbed the spot. I laughed again as I walked after Hayley.

"Sandy, I- I was wondering if you uh.. too whisy-washy." I heard Preston say as he tried to practise what to say when he was going to ask Sandy out. He seemed to think for a moment before he made a red heart card appear. "Sandy, will you go to the dance with me?" I shared a look with Hayley. 

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