Chapter 16: Thundermans; Secret Revealed part 2

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Previously on The Silver Ranger

"I'll teleport you outside and then you take the Thunderbus and go to prom." I said while pointing to my family. "And we're going straight to the prom." I said pointing to myself and the Rangers.

"No, you just go with us." Dad said.

"I don't think so. Who knows what Max is doing now! Maybe he's almost got her powers. So we're doing it as I said." I said. I grabbed my family and teleported us to the driveway. I let go of their hands and teleported back into the house. "Time to stop Max." I said with a sigh. the rangers grabbed each other and I teleported to prom.


I saw Max and Phoebe try to get their hands on the special orb using their telekinesis. "Max! Phoebe! Stop!" I yelled.

"Isabella?" They asked at the same time. They lowered their hands, causing the special orb to fall into the juice.

"My special orb!!" Max called as he ran towards it.

"Don't think so!" Phoebe said as she went after him. Max was faster and picked up the special orb from the juice.

"Wet, but full of evil." Max said. he set the special orb on Phoebe. "Looks like Hiddenville is losing its new superhero." Max said.

"Max!! Stop!!" I heard a voice calling. I turned and saw my family coming. "Max give us back our powers. Dark Mayhem is on his way to destroy us." Mom begged.

"I'm already there!" Dark Mayhem said as he walked in. I watched Dad stand in front of the rest of my family to protect them as Levi pulled me closer by my arm. Phoebe used her telekinesis to send the disco ball at Dark Mayhem, but Dark Mayhem destroyed it with a plasma ball. Everyone screamed and went into hiding except for me, my family and the other rangers. "Finally we meet Thundergirl!" Dark Mayhem said. "Go ahead Max. Take away your sister's powers and you'll be one of us." he added.

"Max don't!" I said.

"Ah ThunderWoman nice to have you there too." Dark Mayhem said. I ignored him and turned to my brother.

"Max, please stop this." I said as I stepped forward. "I know you hate Phoebe, but this isn't going to help you." I said as I took a long step forward. "Max I know why you are doing this. You may not see it, but I know how you feel." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Max asked.

"You don't feel understood by your family, but I understand you." I said.

"Then what do you understand?" Max asked.

"I understand why you do this. All your life Phoebe has been better at everything, but you wanted to be better at something too. The only option you had was to be bad." I explained.

"It's easy for you to talk! You have the perfect life!" Max said.

"That may be the case now, but not in the past!" I said. "Don't you remember what ........" I said but paused and looked over my shoulder at Levi and Brody. "what happened when I lost my best friends and went to SASS?" I asked.

"You were popular because of our parents and you said when you got home that you wanted to see your best friends again because they saw you as who you were and not as the daughter of." Max said.

"We were so close. We told each other almost everything and we still do." I said. "You know that that will change if you continue with this?" I asked. "We always stood by you even when you were bad. Mom and Dad could have sent you away when you got bad, but did they? No, they didn't!" I said.

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