Chapter 51: Doom Signal

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Today some TV show was holding auditions at our school. There were a lot of people who were interested in participating, including Hayley. And to say she's nervous would be an understatement. She came over to my place yesterday to practice, even though she knew everything. Despite all my attempts to reassure her it would be alright, she insisted on rehearsing again before the audition. So I arrived earlier than the others to help her rehearse. Calvin was supposed to come too, bringing us her props, but he didn't show up.

Hayley was the next in line to audition, but we were still waiting for Calvin, Brody and Levi to show up. I know the latter two are on their way, seeing Levi had texted me when they left home. But where Calvin is right now? No one knows.

"So did we miss it?" Levi asked as he wrapped his arm around me. I only now realized the two of them had joined us. Not that is strange, I was standing with my back towards the main entrance.

"Nope, you're just in time." Hayley told them. "Calvin is the one who's late as usual. He was supposed to help me rehearse an hour ago."

Calvin then came running in from the direction of our lockers. "Hey. Hey. I'm sorry." He apologized as he kissed Hayley's cheek. "My car was having engine troubles. I had to fix it before I could leave."

"You could've gotten a taxi." Hayley said as Calvin greeted the rest of us. "I needed your help. Did you at least bring my props?"

"Your props? I left them right by the front door..." Calvin trailed off as he suddenly remembered something. His face fell as he realized it. "And then I forgot." He turned to her with a guilty expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Hayls. I'm sure you're gonna be great without them. It's just one little audition anyway."

"Actually, it's a pretty big deal." Preston told him. "They say the show's gonna air worldwide."

"Preston!" Calvin whispered harshly as he looked over his shoulder at him, trying to get him to stop talking. 

"He's right. And maybe I'd be less nervous if someone had helped me." Hayley said.

"Hey." I said offended. This caused her to look in my direction. "At whose place did you stay to rehearse last night because you couldn't do it on your own?"

"You know who I mean Bella." Hayley said to me as she looked back at Calvin.

"But, I'm-" Before Calvin could even finish his sentence, another voice called out.

"Next! Number one forty-six." The TV producer yelled.

"That's me." Hayley said nervously. We all said some reassuring words as she moved towards the stage. "This is a scene from Romeo and Juliet." She started to act out the scene in which Juliet took the potion to be with Romeo. It went pretty well in my opinion. Of course, the props would have made it even better, but it went well. She finished the scene by collapsing to the ground.

"Thank you, thank you. Now move along, we're on a tight schedule." The producer told her.

Hayley chuckled as she started getting up. "Okay. Thank you." She told him. We started clapping for her as she got off the stage. She walked back to us with a smile.

"So what did you think?" I asked her with a knowing smile.

"I think I did well." Hayley told us. "Right?" We all agreed and congratulated her.

"Next! Number one forty-seven." The TV producer announced. 

The next ones to step on stage were Victor and Monty. Victor was dressed in a doctor's outfit while Monty was dressed as a patient. "We'll now be performing a highly dramatic scene portraying life and death." Victor announced as Monty pulled a bed on the stage. Seeing the bed was folded, Monty unfolded it, causing the bedposts to hit the floor hard. This sound scared Victor. The face he made was enough to get the crowd to laugh.

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