Chapter 22: Helping Hand

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All of us were in shop class. Everyone was paying attention except me. Not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't keep my mind on it. Since that incident with the book, I've started to think. 'Could my Thundersense have been amplified? If you look at what happened, it could be. First it went off when I shook Shoespike's hand, then it warned me for Phonepanzee's trick with using our voices and then it warned that something was wrong with Redbot's books. But what would have caused my Thundersense to intensify? Think about when did it start to strengthen? .......................' I thought. I was taken from my thoughts by a hand rubbing my arm.

"Are you okay?" Levi asked.

"Yes, I was just thinking." I answered.

"You've been doing that a lot lately. What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Levi asked.

"I'll say it, but now it's too dangerous." I said. he nodded and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to be rich. This is our metal magnet, entitled the 'mighty mag.'" Victor said.

"It can find and retrieve any kind of metal." Monty added.

"We're going to use it to find hidden treasures." Victor said.

"Uh, it can detect and attract metal?" Mick asked.

"Uh-huh." Victor replied.

"Okay. uh, how does that work?" Mick asked.

"Well, Mr. M., we'll show you on this hubcap." Victor replied.

"hubcap, hubcap, hubcap." Monty said, imitating an echo. Monty moved everyone away. The metal ended up being attached to their magnet. All of us clapped.

"I can't believe this." Calvin said.

"That was actually impressive." Hayley stated.

"Are we geniuses or what?" Victor asked.

"You're right. That is pretty impressive." Mick replied. Then the magnet started going again.

"Uh, watch out, guys." Sarah said. Levi pulled me closer and stepped slightly in front of me. I let him push me back as the rest stepped aside. Multiple metals started heading towards Victor and Monty as everyone ducked.

"Ouch!" Monty said.

"Victor? Monty? Are you okay?" Sarah asked. Victor and Monty then appeared from the metal.

"You see, it worked like a dream!" Victor stated. I chuckled softly.

"More like a nightmare." Monty corrected. They both went back into the metal.

"So...did anyone else do a project for extra credit?" Mick asked us as no one said anything. "Sarah? Isabella?" Mick asked, looking at the two of us. I facepalmed myself. I totally forgot! "You're not going to tell me you've forgotten, are you?" Mick asked me.

"Unfortunately yes. I had too much on my mind." I answered.

"What about that little project you were talking about?" Sarah.

"That is private." I answered. "And it would be a disaster if someone found out what it's for." I muttered.

"Sarah? Do you have a project for extra credit?" Mick asked her as I looked at her.

"Uh..." Sarah told him.

"Yes! Hi!" An older woman exclaimed as she walked into the outdoor garage carrying Sarah's hoverboard.

"Mom." Sarah said, walking up to her. "Hi. What are you, uh...what are you doing here?" Sarah asked her mom.

"I made you this supercharger to power up your new battery. It'll give it ten times as much power." Mrs. Thompson said, motioning to the box in her arms.

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