Chapter 28: Christmas special

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Inside the school, we all sat around the Christmas tree. Everyone was having fun, but I couldn't bring myself into the right spirit. I kept thinking about my family back in Hiddenville. I know I shouldn't let it affect me, but it did. Luckily for me, it stopped when we started to do the presents. I got new recording equipment from Sarah, a new helmet from Brody, some room decorations from Hayley and Calvin, A glass box with my motto written on it from Preston, A new songbook from Mick and Redbot, A solid oak wooden photo strip with photo's from Levi and I from Levi himself. Right now it was currently Sarah's turn. She got Calvin and Hayley matching sweaters, Preston, a wizard hat  Levi a tambourine and Brody a pair of headphones.

"A gift for me." Redbot asked as Sarah handed him the present.

"Love the sweaters." Hayley said. I looked up and saw both Calvin and Hayley wearing them.

"These are the best Sarah." Brody said as he looked at his new headphones. "Thanks so much."

"You're welcome." Sarah said.

"How do I open this?" Redbot asked as he tried to open his present.

"It's simple." I said to him. "Al you need to do is-" But before I could finish Redbot had his present upside down causing the lid to fall off and the contents of his present to fall to the floor. In it were a bunch of nuts and bolts that clattered on the ground.

"Nuts and Bolts." Redbot said when he saw what was inside the present. All of us started laughing. "How did you know what I wanted for Christmas? My wish list was hyper encrypted."

"It's all thanks to my diary, here." Sarah explained as she held up her pink diary. "I took note whenever you guys said you wanted something. I can't wait for what you got me." I immediately looked away from her. We all contributed and got Sarah a special present as a surprise and we had to pretend we didn't get her anything. But the thing is; I hate to lie, especially to one of my best friends. "Oh, you guys. Haha I get it pretending that you didnt get me anything. Funny." I laughed nervously trying to do my best to not tell her already.

"Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh boy." Redbot said.

"The thing is." Preston started. "We can explain."

"Oh, wauw." Sarah said surprised. "You guys didn't get me a present, for real." I looked down and played with my necklace. "Oh, yeah, that's fine." I looked at the others and stood up. I walked towards her, but before I could say something we heard a voice.

"Suprise, rangers." A voice called out as they entered the school. We immediately stood up and got into a fighting stance. "Soon to be ex-rangers. I have a present; your destruction."

"Cat O'clock?" Brody asked confused. "but we destroyed you."

"I'm Cleocatra not Cat O'clock." Cleocatra corrected him. "He was my favourite cousin. In case you forgot what you did to him, let me remind you."

~Flashback 3rd person POV~

"Suprise!" Cat O'clock called as he walked into the school while they were handing out Redbot's books. All of the rangers were seated on the last row. Well, 6 of them. Isabella had already gone after Mary at this time. The rangers stood up and got into a fighting stance. "Now everybody hold still." Before anyone could do something everyone was frozen in place because they were holding the books, even Mary and Isabella were frozen even though they weren't with the others. "The books have frozen you in time." He laughed as he walked closer to the 5 rangers.

"Not everybody." Redbot said standing up.

"Huh? What?" Cat O'clock asked confused.

"Go get him Kody." Redbot called out to the dog. Kody freed his leash from the pole it was attached to and ran after the monster. "Now to save my friends." Redbot took the book out of Brody's hand causing him to be able to move again.

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