Chapter 6: My Friend, Redbot

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Today we are busy with the final preparations for tonight's dance. At least everyone except me. My thoughts go back to the conversation I had with Phoebe yesterday.

~Yesterday 3rd person POV~
"-- So that's what happened to me today. But now about you. What have you been through today?" Phoebe asked.

"Today I worked on my motorcycle. One of my friends Calvin also had one that he fixed up, but it turned out he couldn't ride it. So me and Sarah tried to teach him and it was not a success. Then we got into a fight with Tangleweb. And that was a spider monster. We were all sucked inside him, even my motorcycle. In the end we were able to escape because Calvin had Ninja Stars that we had to places on our motorcycles. Then I and Calvin drove everyone out. And then fought him. Calvin even got his driver's license later today, but I couldn't keep my attention at times." Isabella said.

"How come then? Does it have to do with what you need my help for?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, you still remember that story about how I became a Power Ranger?" Isabella asked.

"Yes, with that Prism and that you pulled the stars out." Phoebe said.

"There were 7 Power Stars and we only have 6." Isabella said.

"Then the 7th is still in the prism." Phoebe determined.

"No, the Golden Power Star was already out of the Prism when it got back to us." Isabella explained.

"And now you want to find the Golden Power Star." Phoebe concluded.

"Exactly!" Isabella said.

"Something in me says you already suspect where the Power Star and / or the Golden Power Ranger is." Phoebe said.

"Ehhh yes, the only one who wants the Power Stars is Galvanax. So I think he has the Golden Ranger and / or the Power Star. All I have to do now is find Galvanax's ship." Isabella said.

"And how am I supposed to help you with that?" Phoebe asked.

"Do you have any ideas on how I can find it?" Isabella asked.

"All I can think of is by using the Hero League's system." Phoebe said.

"Are you sure I can find Galvanax with that?" Isabella asked.

"No and there is only one way to find out." Phoebe said.

"Is there a GPS receiver on the program so that the Hero League can find my location?" Isabella asked.

"I don't know. I'd just try if I were you." Phoebe said. "I have to go, mom calls me down for dinner. Bye Isa."

~Now Bella's POV~

"Bells?" I heard Hayley softly say while I was slowly awakening from my thoughts.

"Bella?" I heard Calvin ask a little louder.

"Isabella? Isabella?" I heard Brody say a little louder.

"Isabella Thunderman!!" I heard Sarah say much louder when I woke up completely from my thoughts. I looked at them confused.

"Hey, are you okay?" Brody asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" I asked.

"Because we've called your name a few times already and you didn't answer." Preston explained.

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