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Hey everyone,

Some of you might already have seen this on my page, but I thought, maybe I should update the story with the same note. So, I'm here to tell you guys I won't write for I don't know how long. At this moment, a lot is happening in my private life, which has as consequence I'm not emotionally stable. I am simply exhausted and almost am hitting my breakpoint. I don't feel like doing anything anymore, even my schoolwork is something I don't want to work on and what i keep procrastinating. So I really don't know how long it will be before I upload again, but I just can't take it anymore. I hope it will pass soon and I'll be able to write new chapters again soon. I hate it to disapoint you all, I know you guys love my stories, so it hurts me too to tell you this.

Love you all <3

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