Chapter 45: All the President's Thunder-Men

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Since we were on a break, all of us (including Kirsten) decided to visit my family in Hiddenville

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Since we were on a break, all of us (including Kirsten) decided to visit my family in Hiddenville. Originally, I was going alone, but the other rangers decided to join. Anyway, so for the past few days, ThunderWoman has made a return to Hiddenville. Max and Phoebe asked me to join them, seeing they wanted to see if they could still learn something from me. Just like today. This time we had to save a wail, but it didn't end like we hoped, seeing we are now covered in seaweed. "I swear if it goes like this every time, I won't continue." I complained as we walked to the front door. Phoebe sighed as she pushed the door open.

"Kids!" I heard Mom exclaim the moment we entered. I noticed her, Dad, Cherry, Kirsten and my friends sitting on the couch. Mom and Dad stood up immediately, slowly followed by the others. "What happened to you?" I didn't answer as I slammed the door shut out of frustration.

"We saved a beached whale." Max told her. "And then it said thank you by spitting seaweed on us."

"We can see that." Brody told us, causing him to get a glare from me. I saw the others hold back their laughs slightly causing me to let out a sigh. Levi walked towards me and reached for something in my hair.

"It even is in your hair." He muttered as he removed it. I just nodded tiredly as I removed the seaweed from my body. Kirsten came over and helped me get rid off it.

"The save would have gone smoother if i had the land air and sea rocket I requested from the Hero League." Max commented annoyed as they also removed the seaweed.

"Oh, the Rocketshark." Dad said.

"It goes from scoupe into the sky in 2.8 seconds." Max said with a smile on his face. I just shook my head at him as Levi wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't, I stink." I complained as I tried to remove his arm. He just chuckled and kept his arm firm around me as he led me to the couch. Our friends joined us instantly. Kirsten was leaning against my side as she watched the others.

Phoebe moved past us to get to Cherry. "Thanks for waiting for me, Cherry." Phoebe told her best friend.

"Yeah, its cool." She answered as she lifted her wrist to look at the time. "But I can't hang out or I'm going be late for work at the Clam Castle." She placed her hat on.

"President Kickbutt just made you my super assistant like I asked, your job would be to hang out with me." Phoebe said.

"I'm very qualified for that job."

"I know!" 

I heard a soft giggle next to me. I looked to the side and noticed it was Kirsten who was giggling as she looked at how the twins acted. I just let out a soft laugh at this.

"You know what, I'm going to call Kickbutt right now." Phoebe said as she moved towards the Thundermonitor.

"Not if I call her first." Max said as he did the same.

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