Chapter 40: Fan Frenzy

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I walked inside the school after parking my motorcycle. I spotted my friends by the pool table. I immediately approached them. When I placed my helmet down on the table next to them, I noticed everyone else looking at me. I had gotten used to getting some looks because of who I am currently in a relationship with, but this was a whole other level. "Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked confused. The others seemed just as clueless as I. But I saw how Levi tried to not make eye contact with me. "Babe, what did you do?"

"I might have, accendentially, posted a video of us singing together yesterday." Levi admitted.

"You did what?" I asked my boyfriend. I was completely taken aback by what he had just revealed. I didn't know whether to feel excited or terrified at the prospect of people knowing. Would I be able to muster the courage to share my songs? What do they think about the song they heard? Was I good enough? These were the questions that raced through my mind as I tried to come to terms with the news.

"It was an excident, I swear. I only realized this moring." Levi told me snapping me out of my thoughts. "If you want, I could still delete it."

"It doesn't matter. It happened." I shrugged. "Besides, Nova wouldn't want me to hide my talent for my whole life. It's fine." He didn't seem to be convinced. I grabbed his hand and took a step toward him. "I swear, love. It is what it is. We can't change the past and I am fine with that." He smiled at me. Then he lifted my hand up to his lips before placing a soft kiss on the back. After this, he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head against his shoulder as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Levi, you're up." Preston said. Levi and I dropped our arms from each other. Levi walked back towards the pool table. I looked over and noticed he had an easy shot.

"This will be a piece of cake." Levi said. He then took the shot, letting the ball fall into the pocket.

"Nice shot, Levi." Sarah complimented him as she high-fived him.

"I found you." I heard a female voice say. I saw a woman walk up to Levi. "Levi Weston? I'm Simone Swift of Swift Marketing." She shook his hand and gave him one of her cards. "How would you like to be the face of the Double Danger Chili Burgers? Tv adds, radio, billboards, nationwide!"

"Thanks, but I'm concentrating on school, and other stuff right now." Levi declined as he handed the card back to her. He then wrapped his arm around me.

"That's a shame. Well... thank you for your time." Simone said before she walked away.

"No worries." He told her as he tipped his hat at her. He then moved my body to stand in front of his and wrapped both of his arms around me from behind. I giggled as I felt him nuzzle his head in my neck.

"Someone feels guilty." I said laughing. He just nodded while still keeping his face buried in my neck. I placed my hands on his which were resting on my stomach. "I know you didn't do it on purpose. It's fine." I heard him let out a sigh before he placed a soft kiss on my neck.

"Hey, Levi!" Someone called out. Levi stood up straight again but kept his arms around me. A boy wearing the exact same outfit as my boyfriend walked towards him. "It's me, Chaz."

"Chaz? Ahh.. have we met?" Levi asked.

"Well, no, not in person." Chaz answered. "But a year ago I wrote to you about how much I like your song, Finding Answers. 'I would sail across the ocean. And climb over the mountains.' You know, hearing this song always calms me down when my mom's on my back or when stuff goes wrong at school." He then seemed to remember something because he took the backpack off his shoulder. "Oh, and you wrote me this. See?" He held up a poster. "'Thanks for your letter, Chaz. Let's hang out something. Your friend, Levi Weston' That really meant a lot to me."

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