Chapter 11: The Ranger Ribbon

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It is a few weeks later, my wound is almost completely healed, I have better contact with my family. In short, everything is going perfectly.

Preston is taking us to a park right now. "Where you taking us Preston?" Levi asked with his arm wrapped around shoulder as I held onto his hand.

"You'll see." Preston replied.

"Isn't that the ribbon tree." Brody exclaimed. We ended up running ahead up to the tree. "I remember it from when I was a kid," Brody said.

"I remember that from my past too! I've been here with my family before." I said thinking back to that memory.

"There are thousands of ribbons on here, but I don't get it." Sarah said.

"Yeah what's the deal?" Levi asked

"it's great. You tie a ribbon to symbolize important moments in your life like family and friends." Preston explained.

"Cal and I put one up on our anniversary," Hayley said.

"Well now we'll be on the tree together." Preston said holding up a ribbon that had our names on it in our ranger colours.

"Woah Brody, Preston Calvin, Hayley, Sarah, Isabella, Levi." Brody read the names aloud.

"A ranger ribbon!" I said enthusiastic.

"That's a great idea." Calvin said, taking the ribbon from Preston and looking at it. "Well let's put it up." Calvin suggested as we all agreed as Calvin walked towards the tree."How about right here?"Calvin suggested. Before we could attach it to the tree, we heard a car honking as we turned to look at it.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Who's that?" Levi asked

"What's going on?"Brody asked as he made his way to the front.

"Let's go, boys." We heard a man say as workers in orange vests got chainsaws out of trucks and walked towards us and the tree.

"Clear out of the way, kids. This tree's coming down to make way for a new building." One of the workers said as he walked up to us.

"They're cutting down the ribbon tree?" Hayley questioned, looking at the tree before looking back at the workers.

"They can't do that can they?" Sarah questioned.

"We won't let them. Unless you wanna put a ribbon on it, you can't touch this tree" Preston stated.

"Oh really?" One of the workers said as he took a few steps towards us. "The boss is here." The worker said as we saw a black car pull up behind all the trucks. A man got out of the car, followed by... Victor and Monty. The three put on sunglasses and buttoned up their jackets as they made their way towards us.

"What's the hold up?" The boss asked, walking towards us and the workers. "I want this tree down, immediately, or i'll use your christmas bonuses to buy a new jet." The boss threatened.

"Sorry, Mr. Tien. but those kids are in the way." The worker warned as the boss looked at him.

"Kids? What kids?" Mr. Tien said, taking off his glasses and walking towards us.

"Preston?" Mr. Tien exclaimed, seeing his son. Preston had a shocked look on his face as he turned around and faced his dad.

"Oh," Preston said nervously.

"That's you dad?" I questioned.

"Don't tell me you have something to do with this. What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Tien asked his son as hayley motioned something to calvin and the two of them ran behind the tree.

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