Chapter 41: Sick and Family visits

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This morning I had trouble coming out of bed. I felt tired while I slept just fine, so I shrugged it off. Besides the tiredness, there was also a headache. I grabbed my bag and helmet and walked out of my house. I rode my motorcycle to school. The moment I arrived at school I saw Sarah with her hoverboard walking towards the entrance. "Good morning." I greeted her as I walked next to her.

"Good morning to you too, Bells." Sarah greeted back. I smiled at her as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. Not long after we were just laughing as we walked towards our lockers where we met with the others. I opened my locker and placed some of my books and helmet inside. The moment I wanted to close it, I sneezed. You would think it was just a sneeze, but I felt something too. I don't know what it was. It was so weird. I haven't felt like this before.

"You okay?" I heard Levi ask. I turned to my side and saw him look at me with a concerned look.

"I'm fine." I answered as I closed my locker. I looked at my phone before looking at the others. "Come on, we have to go to class."

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

Later we were in the base. I was working on a project with Sarah when I started to feel hot. I looked at the others before deciding to grab my bottle of water out of my bag to take a sip. Just like I expected at the beginning of the day, the others had already figured out that there was something wrong. The sneezing hadn't stopped throughout the whole day, besides that my head had started pounding and I had coughed a little earlier. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sarah whispered to me. I nodded.

"I'm going to take some fresh air." I said to her and walked out of the base. The moment I walked outside I felt the air hit my warm skin. It felt like it was cooling my skin. Then I started to cough a little. Little did I know the other rangers had followed me outside. When I felt their eyes on me, I turned around. All of them had concerned looks on their faces. "Guys, I'm fine. I swear." They just looked at me with a look saying they didn't believe a word of what I just said. Then I sneezed. When I opened my eyes again, I saw I had moved a little to the side without moving my feet. Just like I had teleported.

"Sure you are." Hayley said sarcastically.

"We all know you don't feel as fine as you say you feel." Levi said. I rolled my eyes at them before I sneezed again. This time I had moved again, but this time I stood a little further away from the others. Levi started to walk towards me. "Why are your powers acting up?" I shrugged before I sneezed again. Now I was standing almost against him. The moment I landed there, I felt my legs weaken as my eyes flutter shut. The next thing I know is that his arm is around my waist and feel a hand on my forehead. "You're burning up, babe. You definitely have a fever." I opened my eyes slightly as I released a groan due to the headache. Then I felt myself being lifted up bridal style. "I think it's the best if you go home to rest." Not having the energy to argue, I just nod before resting my head on his shoulder.

"I will drive you guys." I heard Brody say.

I felt myself being carried before being placed down against someone. I felt a pair of hands play with my hair the whole ride, knowing it was Levi I rested my head on his chest. Almost the whole time, I had my eyes closed. I could hear their voices talking softly. After I heard the car stop, I was lifted up again and carried inside my house. I was carried up the stairs before being placed down on my bed. Then my flower hairband was removed and I was tucked in. Levi kissed my forehead, but before he could walk away, I grabbed his hand. "Please, stay." I muttered. I felt him sit beside me and rubbed my back.

"I wasn't planning on leaving. I'm not going anywhere until you're better." He told me.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to." I said softly.

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