Chapter 48: Boyfriend Chaos

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The sun shone through my curtains. It was quiet in my house. I could only hear the soft sound of Levi's breathing and the soft sound of birds outside. Yesterday we fell asleep cuddling while watching movies on my bed. Today, Phoebe was coming to Summer Cove with her boyfriend Nathaniel. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Sure, I'm happy she has found another boyfriend who - according to what I hear - is perfect for her, but seeing I never met him, I don't know how to feel about that. I walked to my closet and looked for a good outfit. My eyes fell on a silver dress with long sleeves but the dress stopped in the middle of my tight. I grabbed it and put it on. But I also wore a silver top and shorts underneath it. While securing the ribbon that wraps around my waist, I walked to my bathroom which was connected to my room. I grabbed my brush and started to brush my hair. 'What should I do? All the way up, half up, just let it lose?' I thought. 'How about two buns and the rest lose? Yeah, that will do.' I grabbed two strands of my hair and held those apart so that later on, they would hang in front of my face while the rest was back. Then I started to braid one side. After I was done with the braid, I made a bun with the rest of it, securing it with a hair tie. As I was done with the braid on the other side and was leaning forward to grab a hair tie, I felt arms wrap themself around my waist. Knowing it was my boyfriend, I just carried on. Then I felt a weight on my shoulder, meaning he leaned his head there. I immediately smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning, beautiful." I heard him mutter against my neck before he placed a light kiss there. I smiled to myself as I finished the last bun and pulled the two pieces back to frame my face. "When will your sister be here?"

"I don't know." I answered as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What she told me was, she would text me when she was almost at the park." He just smiled at me before he leaned down. Not long after I felt his lips on mine. I immediately kissed him back. But just as it started to get more heated, the door of my bedroom opened and someone walked inside.

"Alright, I didn't need to see that." I heard a voice. I pulled back instantly and looked towards the voice, which turned out to belong to Brody. Did I already mention the other rangers were staying over? No? Well, they did.  "The other girls made breakfast." And then Brody walked away. Levi and I looked at each other before we started laughing. Lifted my arms from around his neck and stepped back. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and walked to the living room. Here I found the others sitting at the dining table.

"Good morning." Sarah said with a smirk. They definitely heard what happened from Brody. Kirsten was looking between her and us confused. 

"Stop that." I told her as I sat down. I looked over to the table and saw the others with the same kind of expression on their faces. I just shook my head with a sigh. I just grabbed some breakfast and started eating. When Levi walked down the stairs, Preston started whistling to tease him. Levi immediately smacked the back of the boy's head as he passed.

"So, when will Phoebe be here?" Hayley asked as she turned towards me. I looked at my phone first before answering her.

"She might arrive any second now, based on the time of the departure." I answered. "She said would text me when she was here." Then my phone screen lightened up. I looked over and noticed a text message from Phoebe. "She's here." We all got up from the table. Everyone started to grab their jackets, phones, etc. I quickly grabbed my keys for the dresser next to the door and walked back. "Everyone ready? You didn't forget anything? Ninja comms, phones, jackets, keys to the cars just in case?" They nodded. I turned around to open the front door but stopped.

"Since when did Bella turn into our motherfigure?" I heard Preston whisper to the boys. I turned around and glared at him.

"I heard that!" I snapped back. Preston jumped back at the tone of my voice. Then I just sighed as I went on. "Can we please not say anything about what we do? I know it's my sister, but I don't want to cause any trouble while she and her boyfriend are here."

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