Chapter 52: Reaching the Nexus

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Previously on The Silver Ranger

Badonna then opened the school doors. "Welcome Madame." She greeted.

"The Mindcontrol seems to be working perfectly." Odius said.

"This way everyone, this way." Badonna ordered, making everyone who was left in the school march outside. "Line up, quick, march! We have a lot to do today!"

"Badonna, teleport these humans to the ship. Once the Rangers are destroyed, these people will become the soldiers that help me to rule the universe!" Odius exclaimed.

"Yes, Madame." Badonna said.

"Odius wants to turn the entire human race into her personal army." Preston said.

"Humans may be weak soldiers, but there are billions of them." Badonna laughed.

"The first phase of my plan is complete. Time for phase two." Madame Odius claimed.

"We've gotta figure out what phase two is and stop it before it starts." Brody told us.

~ Now ~

We were still hiding behind the bushes as we had our eyes fixed on Odius, Badonna and Mick. "The mind-control is working perfectly, Madame." Badonna said. "I'll take the humans to the ship." She started to lead the group humans away from the school.

"Odius wants to turn the entire human race into her personal army." Preston said. "We gotta do something."

"You said the Ranger's base was in the school. Lead the way." Odius said to Mick

"Yes, Madame." Mick agreed as he started to walk towards the school doors.

"We gotta split up." Brody said. "Preston, Levi, you come with me after Odius and Mick."

"Hayley, Bella and I will go after Badonna, stop her from taking people up to the ship." Sarah said. I nodded in agreement as we both turned to look at Hayley, who was checking her phone worriedly. "Right, Hayley?"

"I still haven't heard from Calvin." Hayley told us.

"I'm sure he will be fine." Preston said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "We should go." Sarah, Hayley and I nodded at each other before rushing off in the same direction as Badonna.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

After Sarah, Hayley and I found Badonna, we hid ourselves behind some trees. We could now easily observe the scene without getting caught. When we got there, the teleportation to the ship had already begun.

"They're already teleporting people. We're too late." Sarah said. I looked around the groups when I noticed a familiar blond-haired boy with a yellow flannel. I wasn't the only one who noticed though.

"No! They've got Calvin." Hayley said. Sarah looked over and her mouth dropped open in shock when she noticed him. 

"Wait!" I stopped as my eyes spotted yet another familiar silhouette in the crowd. A familiar light blue jacket caught my eye as she was a row in front of Calvin. "Is that Kirsten?" I looked better and indeed noticed it was her

"This can't be happening." Hayley said, her eyes still glued to Calvin's frame. We watched as he and Kirsten along with the group around them got teleported to the ship. "We've gotta go after him."

"Yeah." Sarah agreed. "But we can't go to the Warrior Dome without a plan." I nodded as I turned to look at Hayley, only to find out that she was already going after Calvin.

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