Chapter 29: Echoes of Evil

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"When Galvanax, cruel champion of Galaxy Warriors, came for the mighty Power Stars. A new generation of heroes rose up to protect them. In the final showdown, they were battling Galvanax, when the champion was betrayed by Madame Odius. But her plan was foiled by a mysterious asteroid. The battle continued and the rangers finally destroyed Galvanax, but the Power Stars were lost and the Prism was shattered. With evil defeated, the rangers' lives returned to normal unaware then in the far reaches of space, Odius. Has. Survived." - Narrator.


"Man, we had such a great summer, but I'm still glad to be back at school." Brody said as five of us walked into school and Levi and I walked in hand-in-hand while I held onto his arm with my other. This summer was a hectic one. Of course, we had our family vacation to Hawaii, but we all know how that turned out. It took a while and help from my friends but I got over it.

"Wow! Summer Cove High hasn't changed one bit." Sarah said, carrying her hoverboard.

"It has for me." Mr. Romero said, holding his trophy. "Over twenty years since I graduated from this place."He said, looking around."Anyway, better put this back where it belongs."He told us, putting his trophy back into the trophy case."And, I'll see you two after school."Mr. Romero said, looking at Brody and Levi.

"Bye, dad." Levi and Brody both said as Mr. Romero walked out. 

"Must be great to have your dad back." Sarah said as we walked further.

"Yeah, it's pretty epic." Brody told her.

"Hey guys" Calvin said as he and Hayley was walking towards us with a tray of food 

"Who's hungry. We got lots of stuff" Hayley said 

"Thanks guys" Sarah said before we all sat down at a table. Suddenly, the TV turned on, releasing an animal roar.

"What's this?" Hayley questioned as we all looked at the screen.

"Miracle Monster Repellent, but it quick...the only one proven, to do the trick!" Victor and Monty sang on the screen

"We're the only humans ever captured by monsters. How did we escape?"  Victor asked.

"I'll tell you how. We used Victor and Monty's Miracle Monster Repellent." Monty replied.

"Since the Power Rangers have been gone, we've been keeping Summer Cove safe using our..." Victor started to say. "top secret formula." Victor finished. The scene changed. 

"Have you seen any monsters lately?" Monty asked Victor who was dressed as an elderly woman. 

"Not a single one, thanks to Victor and Monty's Miracle Monster Repellent!" Victor imitated an elderly woman. The screen flipped back to Victor and Monty in a lab with lab coats and safety goggles.

"Buy a can!" Monty exclaimed, holding up a can of monster repellent.

"Or two!" Victor then exclaimed, also holding up a can.

"Today!" Monty said, clinking the cans together as the commercial ended

"What a scam." Hayley commented. 

"Yeah but, look around... people are actually buying that stuff." Sarah said. 

"Unbelievable." Brody said. 

Victor and Monty came into the school. "Attention please!" Monty shouted as we all looked, seeing him and Victor holding a giant check for one million dollars. "We've decided not to come back to school this year, now that we're super-duper rich from selling Miracle Monster Repellent." Monty exclaimed as everyone except for us started to clap.

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