Chapter 44: Tech Support

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All of us, except Brody, were at our base. While the others were training, Sarah and I were working on our Star Blades. Redbot was standing next to the blades while Mick was standing next to Sarah and I.

"The wireless connecting between our weapons and computer is working perfectly." Redbot told us.

"And that's the last of our weapons checks." Sarah said, typing on the keyboard.

"As expected our Ninja Star Bladeds are in top shape." I said, holding my hands out for low-fives. Both Mick and Sarah whacked my hand.

"Good job, Sarah, Bella." Mick told us.

"Thank you." Sarah thanked him with a smile. Just as we finished, an alarm went off and Brody appeared on the screens.

"Guys, I got jumped by a monster." Brody told us. "I'm at the docks, come quick."

"We're on our way." Levi said. All of us grabbed our Star Blades and rushed out of the base.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

As fast as we could, we made our way to the docks. "I came after one Ranger, but now I got seven." Typeface said as we showed up.

"Brody!" Preston shouted as we joined him.

"Basherbots! Bash them all!" Typeface yelled as the Basherbots got beamed down from the ship. All of us started to fight off the Basherbots.

 A small group of Basherbots went after me as I threw a hit at one. Another one tried to slash at me, so I ducked and deflected away from the attack. I flipped over one and grabbed my battle morpher. "Arrow blast!" I used the bow to blast a few of the bots. I placed the morpher back and took my sword, hitting them as they exploded.

I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I noticed Levi standing behind me with Brody on his other side. "Hey, that keyboard monster is gone for now." He informed us. I indeed noticed Typeface was gone. "Let's finish these guys off."

"You said it." Brody said and with that, we started fighting the Basherbots again.

While fighting, I didn't witness a civilian recording our fight, but I had this odd feeling. It felt like someone was watching us. 'It can't be right? It must be my imagination.' I thought. I tried to ignore the feeling as I kept fighting. The most important thing right now is defeating the bots before they do more damage to the surroundings or us.

"That's Emma." Brody suddenly said. I looked over and saw indeed Emma standing there and looking at us. "Hey you! Get to safety."

"I can help you guys!" Emma argued.

"No stop!" Sarah warned as Emma ran past her.

"We really appreciate you wanting to help us, but please leave this to us!" I told her as I knocked one Basherbot away before slashing it. 

"Ninja Blast!" Sarah and Preston shot a blast toward the Basherbot that Brody was battling before Emma could get to it. Emma however did make a slicing movement just before it collapsed to the ground.

"Wow, I did that? I destroyed one!" Emma cheered as she looked at the bot.

"Uh?" Brody started.

"Who else wants some?" Emma questioned looking around. She looked over and noticed Calvin facing off a couple of Basherbots. She smiled before running towards him.

"No wait!" Brody tried.

"Stop, it's dangerous!" Hayley shouted. She tried to stop her but was stopped herself as a Basherbot came between them.

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