Chapter 47: Happy to Be Me

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All of us were in the junkyard for our ninja training. We were wearing our Ninja warm-ups. To be honest, I'm relieved we're not doing a lot of physical training today. I've been up since five o'clock because Kirsten's power went out of control, which has been happening a lot lately. She doesn't know why, or at least that is what she tells me. I know it's wrong to make assumptions, but she has been acting differently. I personally believe her powers are acting up because of her emotions. I mean, it happened to me when I just had gotten mine and Max lost his powers with a broken heart, so it is possible. But as long as she doesn't tell me, I can't do anything about it. I got pulled out of my thoughts by Levi placing an arm around my shoulders and Mick who started talking.

 "Ta-da! This is the Superstar Mode Star. It works with your Gold energy when you add it to the Super Star Blade Sarah and Bella made." Mick explained as he walked over to Levi.

"Nice." Levi said as Preston fist-bumped Sarah and I. "Woah, a new mode for me?"

"Yes, sirree!" Mick answered. 

"Cool." Levi said as he dropped his arm from my shoulders.

"Give it a try." Mick said as he handed over the star.

"Alright!" Levi took it and pulled out his Morpher. "Ninja-!" Before he could even finish his Morphing command,  he got attacked from behind. He stumbled backwards from the impact, alerting us of what was happening.

"Levi!" Brody called out as we ran over to him. There was a light golden beam coming from his throat, going backward. I followed the beam and noticed Tynamon standing behind him. Tynamon laughed when the beam stopped.

"Tynamon used some kind of spell on you." Preston said.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly as I placed my hand on his arm. The rest already stood in a fighting stance.

"I'm fine." Levi answered, placing his hand over mine and looking at me reassuringly. However, it wasn't his real voice that answered my question, it was Tynamon's.  My eyes widened when I heard it. Levi slowly turned around to us. "Aren't I? Wait, my voice!"

"What'd you do to my brother?" Brody asked.

Tynamon laughed. "Isn't it obviously?" Tynamon asked in Levi's voice. "Oh, don't I sound great? I've got the voice of a Ranger." He laughed before he got beamed up the ship.

"He sounded just like you." Hayley said.

"Tynamon must have switched my voice with his!" Levi exclaimed. I sighed sadly as I interlaced our hands together, running my finger over his knuckles in hopes of comforting him.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

All of us were now standing by a pool table. I had now changed back into my dark jeans and silver crop-top sweater. Ever since what happened in the junkyard the gears in my head have been working over hours trying to come up with the reason why Tynamon would steal Levi's voice or rather how we are going to get it back.

"I just don't get it." Hayley said confused. I sighed as I played with the cue ball and rolled it between my hands. "Why would the monster mess up your voice?"

"Well, the Ninja Stars respond to Ranger voices." I explained as I picked up the ball.

"Without his voice, Levi can't morph." Sarah went on. "So, that's one less Ranger to fight."

"Plus, I sound awful." Levi said. "My singing career is toast."

"Don't say that." Hayley said while rubbing his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

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