Chapter 33: Game Plan

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This morning wasn't the best. At first I overslept, then when I wanted to come out of bed I had a headache, which lasted the whole time. But, me being me I would go to school even when I don't feel the best. Luckly for me it stopped just before I had to go. But that didn't last long, the moment I stepped into school, it came back.

"There you are, Preston." Brody said as we walked down the stairs when he saw Preston sitting at a table, playing a video game.

"Hey, Presto." Sarah said, wiggling her fingers in front of his face, but he didn't look up as all of us sat with him.

"You busy?" Brody asked as I sat down in front of Levi, but Preston still didn't look up at us.

"Yes!" Preston exclaimed, smiling as there was a beep from his game. "I got a spider!" he told us, going back to the game as Brody and I shared a look before looking back at Preston. "Hey, guys." Preston finally said, glancing at us but he looked back at his game.

"So you're playing that new game too, huh?" Levi asked as I leaned my head on my hand while I massaged my temple to soothe the headache.

"Gamegoblin. It's the latest craze." Preston told him, looking up. " guide this kooky goblin-guy in to take over the castle, and he eats all the creepy little creatures that try to stop him." Preston told us, showing us how to play as he went back to playing.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Hayley exclaimed, watching him play.

"I wanna try." Calvin said, taking the game from him

"Ahh! Come on Cal, don't mess up my game." Preston exclaimed, taking the game back from him. "I'm already on level five!" Preston exclaimed, grinning as Calvin put his hands up in surrender.

"Is that good?" Brody asked.

"It's so cool, watch this! See!" he exclaimed, showing us the level.

"So, the more creatures you get, the higher your Power Bar goes?" Sarah asked as Preston hummed yes.

"So what happens when it's full?" Calvin asked him

"Well, find out for yourselves...I got everyone Gamegoblins!" Preston told us, pulling six more games out of his backpack as Hayley grabbed them, passing them out to all of us. "No worries, guys. You guys are lucky. I got you the last ones." He told us as I looked at the game in front of me. "These things are selling like hotcakes!" I grabbed the game and shoved it in my bag while the others opened it right away. I winched when I felt the sharp pain of my headache again.

"Is something wrong?" Brody asked noticing my look.

"Just a headache." I answered. "It will go away soon"

"You said the same this morning, but I haven't noticed it going away." Levi said. "I told you, you should have stayed home." I just waved him off before returning to massage my temple again.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

"Next up, we're gonna be talking about volcanoes." Mrs. Finch said as I rested my head on my hand, looking at a model volcano on the whiteboard. As soon as she turned around, I noticed that everyone except for me and Brody quickly pulled out their Gamegoblins, playing them. "Now you'll have to listen very carefully because volcanoes will be in your end of year test." Mrs. Finch said, turning around to face us as everyone quickly hid their games. "The molten magma sits underneath the earth's crust..." Mrs. Finch said, turning around again as everyone pulled out their games again. Brody looked at me after he looked around at all our friends, seeing them and the others playing. "...under tremendous heat and pressure..." she said, turning around again as everyone quickly hid the games, but this time, the teacher looked around suspiciously. "As I was saying..." she said, slowly turning around again as everyone pulled the games out. "The m..." she said as she quickly turned around again, but everyone hid their games. "the molten magma sits just below the earth's..." Mrs. Finch said, turning around again as everyone was on the games again. "Oops." She said as she intentionally dropped her pointer as she bent down to pick it up. "I knew it!" she yelled, slamming her hands on her desk as she looked at all of us. "You are all playing Gamgoblin! The next person I find with that silly video game, I will have it confiscated!" she yelled as everyone groaned, putting the games back in their backpack. But the weird thing was, when they putted it away, my headache seemed to disappear. "Now back to volcanoes." She said, turning around again.

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