Chapter 49: Monster Mix-up

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All of us are going Trick or Treating. I decided to dress up as a fictional character I looked up to, and sometimes get compared to. I'm talking about none other than Hermione Granger. We had agreed to meet downtown, so I haven't seen the costumes of the others yet. The only costumes I know of, are Levi's and Brody's seeing the three of us all dressed up at their house. Brody was going as a Gladiator and Levi as a Pharaoh. We were lucky to make it downtown on time, we had to make a little d-tour to bring Kirsten to Rosie's. She has been  As we rounded the corner, I could spot the others. Preston was dressed as a caveman, Calvin as a wrestler, Hayley as a Hippie and Sarah as a Military soldier.

"Hey guys, we all look amazing!" Calvin said as he and Hayley walked up to us. "Presto, I like that fur."

"Me not Preston, me caveman!" Preston said. He lifted his arms in the air, causing Sarah to wave around in the air. I guess he was stinking.

"Oh, Preston, did you forget to shower this morning?" Sarah asked him.

"Oh, come on." Preston said as he leaned down to smell his armpit.

"Peace out, man, cavemen don't need to shower." Hayley said before fist-bumping Preston, causing us to laugh.

"I'm so ready to go Trick or Treating, guys." Brody told us enthusiastically. "Where do you think we should start?"

"I think we-" Before I could even finish my sentence, I got cut off by multiple people screaming.

"Monsters!" Levi told us as he pointed in front of us. I looked over and noticed eight monsters standing there. We rushed over and got into a fighting stance.

"Power Rangers, yes, I'm Versix and these are the Gruesome Grunts, an intergalatic mob of criminals." Versix introduced as he pointed to his left.

"Eight monsters at once? Odius must be getting desperate." Brody spoke. "Time to teach you a lesson." We all reached into our back pockets to retrieve our Power Stars.

"Oh, for Hero's sake!" I muttered as the only thing I felt in my jeans pocket was emptiness. That one day when we decide to leave our Power Stars behind, we need them the most.

"Uh, guys, we left our Power Stars with Mick to make adjustments while we're trick or treating." Sarah reminded the others. Versix laughed as he heard this.

"You think we care about your Power Stars? We have nothing to do with Odius and her ridiculous tv show." Versix told us.

"Yeah, but once we destroy you, we'll be even more famous than that witch." Ackshun said.

"If you want to fight us, you're gonna need more than eight monsters." Calvin told them.

"Who said anything about fighting?" Jabberon asked. "We're gonna do this the easy way."

"Swappity swap swish boom bam!" Versix chanted as he waved his staff around. A green mist surrounded us. And the next thing I know, it feels like my soul is ripped from my body while it goes black. When I can see away, I'm looking right at my own body and the other Rangers in front of us. I looked down at my hands and body and noticed I now had hooves. I had swapped bodies with the monster who looked just like a minotaur.

"Uh, guys, I think I'm a giant monster tortoise." I heard Levi's voice come from the monster next to me. His voice was coming out of Shelldax's body

"Do I have a mouth in my hair?" Hayley asked as she felt around Jabberon's body.

"We're all stuck in monster bodies." Calvin spoke up from Fangore's body.

"And now us, monsters are inside your teenager bodies." Stabberous voice came out of Preston's body. 

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