Chapter 43: Sheriff Skyfire

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All of us, including Hayley's dog Kody, were walking toward the cafeteria. "Your dog's so cute." I heard a student ask Hayley.

"Aw, thanks." Hayley said. Then out of nowhere, someone on his skateboard was coming right at us. Seeing I was walking behind the others, I only saw him coming at the last second. Luckily for me, Levi pulled me out of the way in time. I shook my head with a little laugh as we continued our way. We then sat down at a table, and one by one, we ordered our lunches. We got them almost immediately.

"Looks good. Thanks." Preston said as he got his lunch. He turned around and walked towards us. "Heads up." He then tossed the apple on his tray to Levi, who caught it.

"We got lunch, you should have a treath too Kody." Hayley said before giving her dog a treat. "Here you go." She laughed softly as she petted him.

"Here comes Clint." Calvin warned her as he gently elbowed her arm. We all looked up and noticed Clint walking towards us.

"Hayley." Clint started stopped next to our table. "No dogs allowed inside school." Then he noticed me sitting at the same table. "And Isabella, you can't park your motor on the grass. I'm gonna have to write you both up for that."

"What? But everyone here loves Kody. He's been here a dozen of times." Hayley said.

"And I always park my motor next to the grass on the dirt." I argued. It was true. I only parked my bike next to the grass or on the dirt next to it.

"And I have told you a dozen of times that the dirt is there because you wore out the grass." Clint retorted as he looked straight at me. I sighed as I rolled my eyes. It couldn't be because of me. It was already there before I parked my motor there, sooo. "Well, that's a dozen write-ups." Hayley and I looked at him in disbelief as he started to write them. "Here you go." He handed one stack to Hayley and another to me. "I don't make the rules guys. I just enforce them."

"Yeah, we know." Hayley said. "Okay, I'll take Kody out." She grabbed her empty can and stood up.  

"I will move my bike." I sighed as I stood up too. Hayley and I started to walk towards the exit. While walking with Hayley I looked in my bag for the keys. But I couldn't find them. Then I knew why. I wasn't the one who took the keys out.

"Bell, heads up." I heard Levi say. I turned around and caught the keys he threw at me. I smiled thankfully at him before turning around. As we passed a trashcan, Hayley dropped her can inside.

"And one more write-up for that." Clint spoke up causing us to turn around confused.

"What for?" Hayley asked him.

"This bin is for trash only." Clint explained picking up the can from inside. "Your can is recyclable." He dropped the can in the right bin. "Simple, right?" I mentally rolled my eyes at this. "Don't blame this on me guys." He gave Hayley another one before walking away.

"I can't believe that guy." Hayley said walking back to the table. I sighed as I followed her. Just as we stopped by the table, Brody's Ninja Comm went off. We all looked around to ensure no one was listening before Brody answered.

"Rangers, there is Buzz Camm activity down town." Mick told us.

"Send the coordinates. We will check it out." Brody said before disconnecting the call. We all stood up straight and left the school.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

The coordinates led us to a parking garage. But when we arrived, there was no monster in sight. We searched all the parking levels, but there was no one. "Where is the monster?" Brody asked confused as we met up on the top deck. Then out of nowhere, a monster materialized out of thin air.

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