Chapter 7: Hack Attack

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When I got up this morning I got an idea of ​​how to test my theory. I am in the base right now. Sarah and I were able to use our technological invention. A few weeks ago we started working on a way to make clones together. Sarah told me this morning he was done, so now we're both using it. Only our reasons are different. She uses it to be with all the students activities she wanted to do, while I use it so that today I can test my theory undisturbed. or so I thought. My phone went off. I looked who called me and it was Max. "What is it Max?" I asked when I answered.

"I just finished my new invention. It can find anything and almost anywhere." Max explained.

"Wait, did you just say everything?" I asked.

"Yes, I just said that." Max said irritated.

"So if I look for something, it can find it?" I asked.

"Yes, when I say everything I mean everything." Max said irritated.

"Okay, what is it? How does it work?" I asked.

"Relax, it's a kind of satellite floating in space. And all you have to do is enter what you're looking for into the system." Max explained.

"Can I use it?" I asked.

"If you can connect your computer to mine, then yes." Max said.

"Wait a minute, Max." I said. "Mick, could I connect our computer to Max's?" I asked. "And don't pretend you don't want to find the Golden Power Star and Ranger." I added when I saw that he wanted to go against me.

"Okay, but if he hacks our system, it's your fault." Mick said.

"Okay Max, I'm going to connect my computer, but then I want to see you." I said to Max.

"Oh come on!" Max shouted. "Why?" He asked.

"Because I know you. If I don't see you, you will use another computer to enter our system." I explained. "As if he is going to be able to do it." I muttered to myself.

"Fine." Max said reluctantly. Not much later, me and Max were busy preparing his invention for the search.

"Hey Sarah, where are our clones?" I asked her.

"They're in the woods showing our new upgrades." Sarah said.

"Okay, thanks." I said. But after a while I heard Sarah say something. "What's going on?" I asked.

"I have lost contact with my clone." Sarah said.

"Isn't the system fault? Because this has never happened." I wondered.

"I'm going to check it out." Sarah said.

After a while the others came back. "Mick, something crazy happened to Sarah,"Brody said, but Mick pointed towards the real Sarah making the other ranger look in the pointed direction. There they saw Sarah in a control area in the corner.

"Sarah turn Bella #1 off." I said. Right after I said that my clone disappeared into the ball and it rolled my way. "Hold on Max, I will be right back." I wisperd to Max

"Sorry guys. That wasn't us during training, exactly." Sarah started explaining.

"What are you talking about?" Brody asked as he and the others walked towards Sarah.

"Well we engineered this." I said while showing the ball and walking towards Sarah to stand next to her. "It's a holoprojector. It produces holographic clones that look and acts just like us" I said while pressing a holoprojector against my wrist and throw it making a clone of me appear. "Tada."

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