Chapter 23: Galvanax Attacks

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We all walked to the base where Mick was freaking out about something. "Mick." Brody said as we walked into the base.

"Guys, I don't know what happened. One minute I was telling you about the asteroid and the next thing I knew all the ninja stars are gone" Mick explained

"What? Who would do this?" Sarah asked

"Take a guess." I said. "There's only one person after us. Or should I say our Power Stars." I added.

"Bella's right, it has to be Galvanax. He has been trying to get our Ninja Stars from day one." Preston replied.

"Well now is our chance to find out. Theres Basherbots outside the school." Levi informed us. Then my Thundersense went off as if it's trying to warn me. It's like it doesn't want me to go.

"let's go guys." Hayley said as all seven of us ran out of school, to the docks. We ran up to Galvanax, seeing him with a bag filled with our Ninja Stars.

"So you do have our Ninja Stars!" Brody exclaimed, looking at Galvanax.

"O really? I thought that it was my sister who has them." I said sarcastically.

"Not all of them. So thank you for bringing you Power Stars. They'll be mine soon. I promise." Galvanax told us.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." Brody exclaimed, looking at galvanax.

"We won't let you touch them!" Levi exclaimed.

"Ninja Spin!" we said as we morphed into rangers and started to fight off the Basherbots, I saw Galvanax with a device. when I looked at it my Thundersense went off. First he aims the device at Preston and Sarah and attracted their Power Stars causing them both to demorph and the Basherbots grab both of them and drag them away.

"Make sure the Silver one is distracted. She's the toughest one because of her super powers." I heard Galvanax say. After a couple of seconds, I heard him again. "Anyway who's next. Ah Yellow and ...  f*ck it I'll risk it. Yellow and Silver." He said and next thing is knew both Calvin and I demorphed.

"Watch out, behind you." I heard Calvin say before I ducked out of the way and he did a flying kick towards a Basherbot that was about to attack me. "What the heck just happened." Calvin exclaimed.

"He must have taken our Power Stars with a magnet." I told him. A Basherbot came after me but I teleported out of the way and appeared behind him. Another one grabbed ahold of Calvin and dragged him to where Sarah and Preston were. I kept using my powers to avoid the Basherbots. Then Galvanax also stole Hayley and Levi's Power Stars.

"Our Power Stars!" Levi exclaimed as me and Hayley also got captured by the Basherbots.

"Five down. Just two more to go." Galvanax said. "And what did I say about the Silver Ranger!" He added. Then a whole group of Basherbots came at me. Fortunately, I was also trained as a superhero. I used everything my father taught me. Unfortunately for me, I was attacked from the front as well as from behind. I could avoid the attack from the front, but in the meantime my arms were caught from behind. Then I felt a foot make contact with my stomach causing me to sink to the floor. I could easily be drawn to the others now.

"Brody!" Levi shouted catching his attention.

"He's going to use that magnet to take your Power Star! run!" Calvin exclaimed.

"Take them to the ship." Galvanax commanded as he looked at Brody.

"Don't worry, guys." Brody told us, slicing another Basherbot down. He started to run towards us, but more Basherbots got in the way, but he easily cut them down. But by the time he could have gotten to us, the rest of us were teleported to the ship. When we got on the ship I was taken away from the group. I was trying my best to get out of the Basherbots' grasp.

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