Chapter 34: Attack of the Galactic Ninjas

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This morning, I got a call from Phoebe about the same guy she told me about. Apparently he had asked her on a date, this time a real one. So while I was dressing myself into the silver/grey turtleneck and black skirt I'm going to wear today, she ranted about him. But she couldn't stop ranting, which made me slow down my normal routine. "So, you know you like him like that now, don't you?" I asked her as I was doing my hair.

"Well, I still don't know for sure, but I think I like him like that." Phoebe answered. I squeled in happines as I placed my hat on. "Jeez, Izzy." I heard her laugh at my actions. I chuckled too, before I heard her gasp. "I don't have anything to wear." At this I rolled my eyes.

"Pheebs, I have seen your closet a week ago, there are so many things you can wear." I answered rolling my eyes.

"Not there isn't." I heard her disagree. "And even if there is, you know I don't have a good fashion taste. Unlike someone I know. She has a really great fashion style and always knows what to say." I sighed knowing where this was going. "Isa, can you please help me. I really don't know what to do anymore."

"Fine." I agreed before looking at my clock. I groaned in frustration. "Great, you made me late. Luckly I know a place where I can teleport to." I quickly grabbed everything I needed before teleporting to the place. It was an alleyway not far from the school which no one knows of. I walked inside the school while I was still on the phone with Phoebe. "Text me the time you will be at my place and I will help you." I heard her cheer on the other side causing me to laugh as I entered the classroom. I hang up and started doing some preparations. I was doing this because I'm assisting Mr. Lunt with the performance of Romeo and Juliet our drama class was doing. Normally I had wanted to audition, but Mr. Lunt had asked me to help him seeing I have more experience with drama than most of the other students. The others, who were paticipating in the play, were running over their lines while sometimes asking me to help them.

"Bells, Pres." Hayley said taking my attention of the girl I was helping. Preston and I stepped over to her. "I'm nervous about performing tonight."

"No, you're gonna be great" Preston reassured.

"Yeah, he's right. Remember; the key to beating stage fright is to know the audience wants you to do well. Or you do what I always did when I had to perform either my own music or a play, pretending you're at your safe place." I said. 

"I'm Romeo, you're Juliet and there is nothing to be afraid of, my sweet wife." Preston added mocking a bow at the end. I playfully rolled my eyes at the last part and his action.

"Thank you, Preston, Bells." Hayley said. "I really do appreciate you guys helping me."

"Of course." I said smiling at her.

"I can't wait to see the look on Calvin's face when he sees me on stage" Hayley smiled 

"He's gonna to love it." Preston said as I nodded in agreement 

"He's going to flip, just like Levi's gonna flip when he sees you in this outfit." Hayley said to me making me shoot her a look. "Oh, come on. We never saw you wearing something like this before." Hayley looked at my outfit before continuing. "Or at least this combination with the length of your skirt. Besides you really look cute with that fedora hat, you need to wear it more often." I just shook my head with a smile.

 "Ok, let's start on page 31 please." I heard Mr. Lunt say. "Actors in position, everyone take a seat." Hayley and Preston took there places on stage while I sat next to Mr. Lunt. "And begin." 

"No, Juliet. My love, my wife. The death has..." Preston started the scene but was interrupted by Victor and Monty.

"Boring" Victor said.

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