Chapter 36: Caught Red-Handed

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I was messing with the ribbon in my hair when the bell rang. In front of the table, I was sitting on, Levi and Brody were checking their bags. "Listen up class." Principal Hastings said before she blew her whistle. Everyone began to sit down in their seats as Levi grabbed my hand and helped me off the table. "Today is the Summer Cove High annual camping trip! It's my favorite outing. The smell of pine trees and campfires. Now, to find our camp, you're going to need to use a compass. I will be using this antique compass. It belonged to my grandmother." As I looked at the compass, it seemed quite familiar to me.

"My Grandpa used to have a compass just like that. I loved playing with it." I said still eyeing the compass. "We always used it on the trips we went on together." I smiled to myself at these memories.

"Well today, we're not "playing". Today these are vital tools we need to use to stay safe." Principal Hastings said. Victor cleared his throat. I looked over and saw him and Monty in the doorway.

"And speaking of safety... We can't be too careful, with that mysterious rhino out there." Victor said. Monty was behind him while filming this whole thing.

"'Rhino?' What rhino?" Sarah asked.

 "The dreaded Summer Cove Rhino. Legend says it escaped from a zoo. It has a giant horn... like a curved banana." Victor replied. 

"Oh man!" Levi commented as he leaned back in his seat. I did the same as I shook my head.

"This isn't going to end well." I muttered as Levi wrapped his arm around the back of my chair.

"It lurks in the forests and hills, attacks weary campers..." Victor said as Preston flinched. 

"But not much longer, 'cause we're gonna catch it!" Monty finished. 

"Monty made this cool "Snare Blaster" to do the job." Victor said, holding a bulky-looking blaster. 

"Capturing that rhino will make Victor more popular than even the Power Rangers!" Monty exclaimed. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"I'll demonstrate on that skeleton." Victor said. 

"Ah, I'm not sure that's a good idea." Principal Hastings said. A blue net appeared from the blaster. But instead of getting the skeleton, it caught Principal Hastings. "Victor! Get this off me!" A student helped Principal Hastings as another blue net caught Sarah. Everyone ducked for cover as blue nets went everywhere. Luckily for me, I could avoid all of the nets that were coming our way. Eventually, Victor was able to shut the blaster off. Levi and I helped pulled another blue net off of two students who were in front of us. "Can I have a word, Victor? Monty?" Principal Hastings asked. 

"Do you like it? Or love it?" Victor asked. 

"You are both in detention! No camping trip for either of you!" Principal Hastings replied as I kept helping other students in our classroom.

"But the rhino!" Victor argued. 

"Don't." Principal Hastings warned. Both of them walked away from the front. Then Principal Hastings looked over to the table with compasses and noticed that something was gone. "Hey! My grandmother's compass... it's gone. It was right here. Who moved it?"

"Antique compasses are quite valuable." Monty said. 

"Somebody must've stolen it!" Victor added. 

"Now, that's ridiculous. I'm sure it's around here somewhere." Principal Hastings said. Since I was still standing, I walked over to her and helped her look for the compass. Monty suddenly gasped. I immediately turned around.

"There it is! In that bag." Monty said. We all looked over and saw him pointing at a silver camping bag. My camping bag to be exact.

 My camping bag to be exact

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