Chapter 54: The Poisy Show

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It has been a few months since I became the new commander of the Z-Force alongside Max and Phoebe. And honestly, it has been tough. These missions were a lot harder than the ones I used to go on before becoming a Power Ranger. After what happened in Hiddenville, we all grabbed our previous Ninja Comms again. Not only was I now part of the T-Force, but so were the others. Phoebe convinced the others that even though we didn't have our Power Stars anymore, we could still fight for the greater good. It took a while before they agreed. They have only been a part of the T-Force for a month, I think.

I was walking with the other Rangers as we loaded presents in Brody's truck. I had braided my hair in two braids and two pieces framing my face. I was wearing my black jeans, silver sweater and coat, along with a silver-grey woollen hat and heeled ankle boots.

"It's very generous of the students to donate all these Christmas presents to charity." Principal Hastings said as she helped us. "I'm glad, you volunteered to deliver them."

"Christmas is a busy time, so we're happy to help anyway we can." Calvin told her.

"Well, it's much appreciated." Principal Hastings said to us before she started to walk back inside the school. 

"Guys, I just heard from Santa, and he's not far away." Sarah informed us.

"With his help, delivering these presents is gonna be a cinch." Hayley said.

"Hey guys. Sorry, I'm late." Preston said as he rushed inside the junkyard. "But look at what came for us." He held up a present with red wrappings.

"Oh, it's from Wes Collins. The Time Force Red Ranger." Levi said as he took the present from Preston. Brody opened it and revealed a transportal device, causing us to gasp.

"It's a transportal device." Brody said as he picked it up. I also noticed a message disk, but before I could take it out, Calvin had already picked it up.

"Just like the one the other Rangers used." Preston added.

"And there's an Intergalactic Message Disk." Hayley said as she eyed the disk in her boyfriend's hands.  "Play it." Calvin placed the disk in the trunk and pressed play. Immediately Wes appeared as a hologram above it.

"That's Wes, alright." Calvin said.

"Hello, Rangers." Wes said. "With this transportal device, you can travel between dimensions. And aid any Rangers that are in extreme danger. Use it wisely, and have a Merry Christmas."

"I'm so glad we're still Rangers." Hayley told us. "Maybe another exciting adventure awaits us."

"As if the T-Forcce missions we go on aren't exciting." I scoffed to myself.

Then I heard the familiar spinning of the Prism. I looked in that direction and indeed did notice the Prism coming towards us. "Hey, look! The Nexus Prism, it's back." Brody said, catching the attention of the others. 

The Prism stopped in the middle of the yard as the charcoal black coat disappeared and revealed the Prism as we know it. We all rushed towards it.

"What's it doing here?" Sarah questioned as we stopped in front of it.

Suddenly the Prism started spinning fast and one by one, our Power Stars shot out of it. All of us caught the Stars surprised. The moment I looked up from my Power Star, I could see the Prism flying away.

"It gave us back our Power Stars?" Levi asked confused.

"Why would it be giving back our Ranger abilities?" Calvin questioned as well.

"Ho ho ho!" Sounded behind us. All of us quickly turned around and noticed two monsters standing there. We quickly got into a fighting stance. "Merry Christmas, from me, Sledge." 

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