Chapter 3: Live and Learn

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My phone alarm went off and I groaned when I turned it off. I got out of bed and quickly got into the shower. After I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me I got out. I put my silver top and jeans on. I grabbed my backpack. I grabbed a sandwich and took my helmet from the table. When I arrived I got off my motorcycle and quickly walked to the back of the school and entered Shop Class. I put my backpack and helmet in the base and quickly put on my training clothes. My whole suit is black with silver highlights. "Oh hey, guys," I said, yawning as I walked out of the building to the outside garage. I saw something flying towards me in the corner of my eye. I quickly used my telekinesis to lower the object so it didn't hit my face. "Okay, who was that?" When I didn't get a response, I just let it go.

"Hey Bells, do you fancy a sprint race?" Sarah asked.

"Don't do it, it wouldn't be fair." I answer. She gave me a strange look. "I can run around the world in seconds. Do you still think you have a chance?" I explained.

RedBot walked out of the base with a wooden box. "What's in the box, RedBot?" I asked as all the rangers walked up to him. RedBot opened the box and revealed 6 Power Stars

"Woah." We all said, looking at the stars in awe.

"They're called Element Stars." Mick told us. Mick straightened up and looked at the six of us. "Galvanax sends more powerful monsters, so you need them." Mick told us.

"Thanks Mick." Preston said to him.

"My dad always said a ninja is one with his surroundings" Brody said. Then he gave the star he held to Calvin. "Fire." then another to Hayley " Water." and another to Preston "Earth." than another to Sarah "The forest." And then another one for me "Ice" he took the last one for himself "Metal and lightening. The basic elements of nature are our weapons."

" Let's try this! 'said Calvin excitedly. Calvin gathered his sword and locked up his Element Star. "Lock. Element Star. Ninja Water Attack." Calvin said, but nothing happened.

"It doesn't work?" Mick asked while looking at me and Brody. Suddenly, water burst from the sword, causing Calvin to fly into the pile of metal.

"I'm okay." Calvin said from the metal pile. I used my telekinesis to remove all the metal. "Thanks Bella." Calvin said when I had removed all the metal.

"So much for water mode." Brody said as Sara, Hayley, Preston, Calvin, and I quickly left the garage and went back to basics. "Who wants to try fire mode?" Brody asked, but no one responded. Brody turned and everyone was gone. "Guys?" Brody asked, looking around. We all had our training uniforms off and we packed our backpacks when Brody came in and took off his training uniform.

"Guys, we have to get to class early so we can practice for the quiz." Hayley said as we all put on our backpacks.

"And I need to put my helmet in my locker." I added.

"You want to do well on your first day of school." Sarah said, putting her hand on Brody's shoulder.

"You go ahead. I'll catch up." Brody said to Sarah.

"Sarah, come on." I said from the opening of the base.

"Okay. Coming." She said as she ran to me and we came out of the base.

When we went inside the classroom my phone went off. I checked the ID and saw Max. I groaned. "You can go inside. It's my little brother Max. It may be important." The others nodded and walked inside. "What Max?" I asked as I answered my phone.

"Hey Isa. I need your help." Max said.

"Can you be more specific?" I asked.

"I'm working with an invention and I'm stuck with-" He said but I interrupted him

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