Chapter 4: Presto Change-O

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I sat at the pool table with Brody, Sara, Calvin and Hayley while Preston did his magic show. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a moment of wonder from master wizard Presto Change-O!" Preston said, with lots of arm signals.

"Yes, Pres. Woo!" Sarah called out.

"Another magic show." Brody said, looking at us.

"Let's hope it works." Sarah said.

"Behind an entirely empty hat." Preston said, showing us his hat.

"Hold on there, Change-O." Victor said, standing up as Preston got a look of worry on his face. "Let me see that." Victor said, taking the hat from preston as i scoffed at victor.

"Hey, you can't--" Preston said when Victor took the hat.

"Empty hat, eh?" Victor said, pulling out a white rabbit and showed it to everyone as I glared at Victor.

"A rabbit." Preston said, motioning to the rabbit in Victor's hand. "Amazing. It's magic." Preston said, quickly. everyone began booing at Preston and Victor have him his hat back. Preston looked at us and we all looked at him. Preston walked right past us and went to his locker.

"I'll talk to him." I told the others as I followed Preston to his locker. "Don't worry, Preston, just keep practicing." I told Preston as I walked up to him. "You're magic trick will get better." I told him, encouragingly.

"When i was about five, my parents took me to a magic show. he made this dragon bracelet appear on my wrist." Preston said, showing me his bracelet as I looked at it.

"I know, you told me that when Victor ruined your magic show before." I said.

He took off his cape and put it in his locker. "I keep trying and trying. My tricks never fool anyone"' Preston said, looking at me.

"Listen, it might not look like it, but I had to train to master my superpowers." I said looking at my necklace. "After a fail, you can't just give up. You have to start again, even better than before, "I told him.

"But you don't know what it's like to fail at something so badly." Preston told me with a sigh.

"I remember one time when I couldn't get out of my super speed. Or that time I accidentally set the bench on fire with my heat breath." I said chuckling. "What I'm trying to say is, giving up won't get you anywhere." I said as he listened carefully. "What is that?" I asked when I heard a thump from Preston's hat. Preston looked confused as he reached into the hat and pulled out a white rabbit. Preston gasped as he pulled it out. "There you go. See? The trick was flawless." I said smiling at Preston. Preston looked at me confused.

"No, Bella, you don't understand." Preston said as he handed me the white rabbit and I held and stroked it. Preston took the blanket off the rabbit cage, but I didn't look. "This is my rabbit." Preston said to me looking at Preston's rabbit and then the rabbit I'm holding. "I only have one." Preston told me, really confused.

"Then where did this one come from?" I asked, motioning to the rabbit in my arms. Preston was about to answer when we heard a thump coming from his hat. He looked at me, confused as he took off his hat and looked inside of it. Preston reached inside and pulled out another rabbit.

"Hey, what's going on?" Brody asked as he came up to us.

"Two rabbits came out of Preston's hat but he doesn't know how." I replied.

"What? Are you sure this isn't trick?" Brody asked Preston while giving him the rabbits.

"I'd love to help you to find it out, but I have something else to do." I said while walking away.

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