Chapter 38: Dimensions in Danger

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To be honest, I'm exhausted. Last night I had to babysit Chloe, with Levi. But the amount of energy the young girl possessed wasn't normal. She kept talking about what had happened in Hiddenville and teleporting through the whole house. Levi and I were lucky I could do the same and we could easily track her down. But at the end of the evening when we finally got her to bed, we were tired. Once we got to bed, I hoped we could sleep in peace. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. In the middle of the night, Chloe was standing next to my bed complaining about a nightmare. So eventually she slept with me and Levi in the same bed. And let's just say, that combination, of being tired and then being woken up in the middle of the night and every couple of hours, is hell.

Right now, we were at school. Preston, Brody and Levi were playing pool while I was standing to watch. I was too tired to play right now, I just needed to wake up slowly. "Look out, bro. You don't stand a chance this time." Brody told Levi as they lined up the balls and grabbed the cues. Then the others walked over. Sarah immediately handed me the drink I had requested. I gave her a grateful smile.

Then, just as Brody was about to take the first shot, Mick grabbed the white ball. "Sorry, guys." Mick said as he lifted the ball up.

"Hey- what?" Brody said as he stood up again.

"The base, now." That was all Mick said before he walked back. We quickly let everything go and followed him. 

"Mick, tell us what is going on." Brody said the moment we walked inside the base.

"An emergency message came through saying were about to some visitors." Mick told us.

"Emergency?" Calvin asked. Then suddenly the portal opened. We all took a few steps towards it. Then the three cloaked figures stepped out of it again.

"It's them." Hayley said.

"They're back." Sarah said. We all shared a look before we turned to the cloaked figures.

"Isn't it about time you tell us who you are." Brody said.

"Yes." The first cloaked figure said. He then took off his cloak. Underneath it was Wes Collins, Time Force Ranger.

"You're Wes Collins." Brody said amazed. "Time Force Red." Wes then morphed back.

"That's right."

Then the person in the middle took off the cloak. Underneath was a silver ranger. 

"Whoa, another Ranger." Preston said.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I said as I rolled my eyes.

The Silver ranger looked between Preston and me before she morphed back and started talking."I'm Gemma. RPM Ranger Operater Silver." Gemma introduced.

"Yes, now me." The last person said. He took off his cloak and showed us his blue Ranger costume. He then morphed back. "My name Koda, Dino Charge Blue."

"Cool." Hayley said.

"Mick told us that there were other Ranger teams but we've never heard of an RPM or Dino Charge." Levi said as he pointed towards Gemma and Koda.

"Well, there are a few different dimensions." Wes spoke up as he took a step forward. "And Rangers exist in all of them."

"Different dimensions? Cool." Sarah said.

"I'm from the world of the RPM Rangers. We live on an earth ruined by an evil computer virus." Gemma explained.

"I am Caveman from Dino Charge world, where dinosaurs not extinct." Koda explained.

"Wow, I'd love to go to that world." Hayley told him.

"Time Force Rangers created these transportal devices so we can travel between Ranger worlds." Wes explained as he held one of the devices up.

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