Chapter 46: Car Trouble

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It has been a week since Kirsten showed up in Summer Cove. Just like she promised, she isn't going anywhere any time soon. She has been staying with me ever since that day. Yesterday was her first day of school and it went well. She already made a few friends so that was good. She was so excited when she came back. I've also found out what her superpower is. She only discovered it when she was 8, a typical late bloomer. Turns out she has aquamancy, the ability to manipulate water. She still hasn't mastered her powers yet, so it is hard for her to hide it sometimes. So I've been up late all week to help her.

Right now, the Rangers and I were walking through the halls while Calvin told us about what happened when he was coming to school. "And bam! We fixed that lady's car in no time." Calvin finished his story. "It was so awesome."

"Really?" Brody asked.

"Yeah." Calvin answered. "And Joe offered me a job."

"What? Right on the spot?" Hayley asked. Calvin nodded. Hayley immediately hugged him. "That's amazing, Cal!"

"I guess Joe knows a good thing when he sees it." Sarah added.

"Thanks, yeah. So, I said yes and..." Calvin trailed off as we stopped at the Snack Stop. "I'm gonna be working for Joe's Towing, full time." He showed us his shirt with a big smile.

"Um, what about school?" Levi asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Oh, I'm done." Calvin shrugged. "I'm quitting." All of us looked shocked upon hearing this news. Calvin ignored it and turned around to order. He faced the owner and handed her the money "Hi, can I get a banana smoothie please."

"What? Babe, you're not even close to being done with school." Hayley told him as she grabbed his arm.

"Hayls, it's my dream to be a pro mechanic. And here's my chance. Besides, you know that I'm not great at school. It's kinda though for me." Calvin said.

"Just because school is hard doesn't mean you should give up. I mean "No pain, no gain," remember?" Preston reminded him.

"Yeah, sometimes you have to hit your head a thousand times before you see the solution." I said while feeling nostalgic. This is the same thing my mother always told me when I was younger.  

"Sorry, but being a mechanic is my passion. And Joe says I know enough and I'm ready." Calvin said before thanking his smoothie and thanking the woman.

"Are you sure about this?" Hayley asked.

"Yes, guys. Guys, I'm sure." Calvin said. "Please support me.." Before we could even reply to him, his phone started ringing. He looked at it and sighed. "I have to go meet Joe. He says the phone's been ringing off the hook with broken down cars. I will see you guys later." He kissed Hayley's cheek before he walked away.

While he walked away I could only look at his treating form with a worried glance. What if this plan backfires? Or what if he doesn't know enough? I mean, that's what I found out when I started fighting crime. Although fighting was something I had done ever since I could walk, I still had my struggles and had to go to school.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

We, except Calvin, were in our training gear with our respective colours outside the base. While Brody, Sarah, Hayley, and Preston were practising their sword moves, Levi and I were sparing. It was nice to get some frustration out of my system.

Suddenly Calvin came running in dressed in his work uniform. "Hey, guys." He greeted as he dropped his bag.

"Oh, hey." Brody replied as we stopped.

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