Chapter 42: Prepare To Fail

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It has been a couple of days since my grandparents visited and I have been sick. Luckily I hadn't really noticed anything about the sickness. Only the day after were my powers still a bit out of control, I couldn't use them as I normally could. Besides that, I had posted another of my music videos on my social media, which blew up. After Levi accidentally posted that video of the two of us singing together, I realized I shouldn't hide my talent. Well, I came to realize that with some encouragement from Max and my parents. So, I posted that video and immediately my followers went up a couple of thousands.

Anyway, right now, we are sitting in class.  "Ok, quit down everybody." Mrs. Finch said. "I have the results of part one of your math test." She then started to hand them out. 

"Oh, fingers crossed." Calvin said as he got his test back. "Oh, a B+"

"An A!" Hayley exclaimed happily.

"See. Studying hard, pays off. Especially for Isabella and Sarah who got the only A+ in the class." Mrs. Finch said as she still handed the tests out. She then handed Sarah and me our tests.

"No way." I said as I looked at the paper. Sure, I had a good feeling about this test, but I didn't expect to make no mistakes. 

"Really? That's so cool." Sarah said. "Huh, I got every question right. I can't believe I studied so hard for this test, it was such a cinch."

"Well, part two of the test is tomorrow. And I highly recommend that everyone comes prepared." Mrs. Finch told us. Then the ball rang, causing us to pack our stuff. 

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

"Okay, Bella, Levi, how do you find the area of a right triangle?" Preston asked Levi and I. We were walking through the park as Preston quizzed us all.

"Oh, uh... you multiply the base by the height." Levi answered.

"And then divide by two." I added.

"Nailed it! Nice job!" Preston told us as he gave us a high five.

"Oh my gosh, Levi Weston!" A girl said as she walked over to us. "Can I have your autograph? Please?" She held her notebook and pen out to him.

"Oh, sure you can. Yeah." Levi said as he let go of my hand to take her notebook and pen. Then he turned to us. "Oh, I'll be just in a sec." We nodded as he started signing.

"Oh, and when you're done, can you sign for my friends too?" The girl asked as a bunch of fans ran over.

"What the heck. Why not?" Levi said. I laughed softly as I shook my head. "Sorry, guys, I'd better catch up."

"Yeah, see you in like a million years." Calvin said. I quickly kissed Levi's cheek before walking away with the rest.

"Okay, your turn for a question Sarah." Preston said. Sarah didn't react as she was busy on her phone.

"Uh, hello?" Brody tried. He moved his hand above her phone, causing her to look up. "Earth to Sarah."

"Sorry, guys. I am looking at showtimes. I'm pretty tempted to go see a movie tonight." Sarah explained. "I'm thinking... Train on the run, part 6."

"Uh, but the math test is tomorrow." Calvin reminded her. "Aren't you going to study?"

"Eh, the first part was so easy, I don't think I even need to study for the second part." Sarah said. "Plus I really want to know how they stop that runaway train."

"But Sarah-" Hayley started. She stopped talking as he heard the familiar sound of Buzz-cams.

"Guys, a Buzz-cam!" Preston exclaimed. We looked over and noticed one sitting in a tree. We all dropped our bags on the ground. Preston then opened his Ninja-comm to contact Levi. "You better get over here, Levi. We've got trouble." Just as he finished speaking Tynamon and Badonna appeared.

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