Chapter 17: The Royal Rival

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Today we had to give presentations. I worked with Sarah. We agreed that Sarah would do most of the presentation because since it's been known in Hiddenville that I and my family are superheroes, I can't really concentrate anymore. Besides that, somehow a couple of people in Hiddenville had found my socials and started spamming me with both questions and requests.

"Are you sick of cookies being a 'sometimes' meal do you want to eat them for every meal without your mom getting mad well now..." Sarah unveiled a machine that we had been working on "you can. Our business project is the cookiecreator. You can put any food you want in here and a delicious healthy cookie would come out here. May I have a volunteer." Sarah said. Victor stood up when she asked for a volunteer at the end.

"Victor of course." I said unenthusiastically.

"Really? Delicious cookies from any food? I highly doubt that. Give me your lunch, Monty." Victor ordered. Monty got up and then suddenly shook his head. Victor pointed beside him.

"My mom made it." Monty said.

"Let's see, what's on the meau today?" Victor asked. He pulled out a sardine. "Sardines." Victor announced as everyone groaned. Broccoli." Victor said as he added it to the mix. "And yummy... a liver sandwich." Victor finished. More students groaned while I gagged."Let's see if your contraption make that delicious." Victor stated.

"Ok." Sarah and I replied as I started the machine. A disgusting looking cookie popped out on the other side. Sarah handed the cookie to him.Victor then handed the cookie to Monty. Monty took a bite of it.

Hey, that's kinda good." Monty said. Victor took it as he took a bite of it.

"It's really good." Victor added.

"Sarah, Isabella, I think that the public will really love your business idea." Mrs Finch told us.

"Thank you!" Sarah replied as she rolled her cookie creator away.

"And now for Victor and Monty." Mrs Finch said.

"Hmm?" Victor and Monty both said.

"Where is your business invention?" Mrs Finch asked. Victor and Monty both stammered. The bell then rang. When we left the room, I got a message from Phoebe. 'Isa, bad news!!' it said.

'What is going on?' I sent back while walking to my locker.

'Things got out of hand here and now Super President Kickbutt is sending us to another place.' Phoebe replied.

'What? How? When?' I sent back while opening my locker.

'Dad had to spin a wheel and that wheel just stopped.' Phoebe explained.

'Where are you being sent?' I asked.

'Antarctica. We have to leave now. I don't know about the connection there, so don't expect too much contact with us. ' Phoebe replied. I stared at my phone. 'This can not be true! Is there no other solution?' I thought. I closed my locker and turned around. I leaned my head against my locker. I felt tears in my eyes. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sarah approaching. Before she could ask what was wrong, I pushed my phone with the messages open in her hands. When she finished reading them, she handed my phone back and hugged me.

"Why is there only more misery?" I asked.

"Hey, it will be fine." Sarah said. "Take it easy right away to process it, okay?" Sarah said. I nodded and let her go. I quickly wipe away my tears and walked back to the others.

Later on everyone is helping us. "That would be $3.00" Calvin informed a customer before Hayley walked up to Calvin, Sarah and me.

"Hey, what are Victor and Monty up to?" I turned around and I saw Victor unveil a cow.

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