Chapter 30: Moment of Truth

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I was walking towards the table we agreed to meet on with the rangers. I had stopped to get a drink on my way as I decided I would walk there from my house. But while I was walking I got a call from Phoebe. "Oh my god, he didn't!" I said to Phoebe. Apperently a new guy had moved to Hiddenville and Phoebe was telling me about him. That guy had asked her to go out with him, but Phoebe being Phoebe, she thought he was asking her on a date

"He did! He literally asked me that." Phoebe said.

"And what did you say?" I asked.

"I said I had to think about it." Phoebe answered. I saw the others sitting by a table. When Sarah saw me she waved me over. I waved back before I made my way towards them. "But I don't know if I want to accept or not. Yeah, I like him, but I don't know if I like him in that way." I sighed as I stopped by the table. Levi pulled a chair back for me and I kissed his cheeck in return.

"It's your choice." I said to her as I sat down. "But you have to remember I will come to Hiddenville myself and hunt him down if he hurts you."

"Izzy, we're not even dating!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"What?" I asked laughing a little. "I don't want my little sister getting hurt."

"Don't call me that." Phoebe said.

"Whatever you say, sis." I said to her. "But, I have to go now. Talk to you later." I hung up and looked at my friends after taking a sip of my drink. "Did I miss something." The other shook their head as Levi placed his arm on the back of my chair.

"Hey, guys!" Brody greeted as Calvin and Preston walked towards us. 

"Ooh, whatcha got there, Hayls?" Calvin asked. I only now realized that Hayley was holding a gift. 

"Good one you ding-dong, it's your gift." Hayley replied. 

"My gift?" Calvin questioned. 

"Yeah." Hayley replied. 

"Oh, my gift gift." Calvin said. 

"I can't wait for our anniversary dinner tonight." Hayley said. 

"Yeah." Calvin agreed. 

"Can you believe it? We've been together for two whole years." Hayley said. Calvin opened the gift to show a license plate. 

"Ooh, "Nitro." This is great! Thank you!" Calvin said as he kissed and hugged her.

"Dinner? What about..?" Preston started to say. Calvin stopped him from saying any more.

"And I, I got you a present too of course. I'm, I'm, uh, saving it for our dinner." Calvin stated. But his tone sounded nervously.

"Ooh." Hayley said. 

"Look out! Run!" A man shouted. 

"A monster!" Levi exclaimed while pointing in the direction. 

"You teenagers don't stand a chance against the mighty Deceptron!" Deceptron said.

"We're not just teenagers, we're Power Rangers!" Calvin exclaimed.

"It's morphin' time!" Brody yelled as all of us pulled out our Ninja Stars. "Ninja Stars!" he yelled.

"Bolt Blast!" Deception yelled, firing a purple blast at Hayley as a purple, glowing drill was driven into her Ninja Star.

"There's a bolt through my Ninja Star!" Hayley exclaimed, looking at her Star. "It won't fit! I can't morph!" She exclaimed, trying to get her Star to fit in her morpher, but it won't.

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