Chapter 13: Family Fusion

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"Ok." Calvin said as he and Levi put down the talent show sign.

"There." Levi said as Brody and Aiden walked up to them with their guitars.

"I hear Presto Change-O is making an appearance at the talent show tonight." Calvin said to us. "You guys doing anything?" Calvin asked us.

"Me? No, I'm gonna have fun watching." Levi said to him.

"Brody and I are performing a song our dad wrote for us when we were kids." Aiden said, clapping Brody on the back.

"And you Bella? Are you going to sing tonight?" Brody asked.

"No I'm not going- Wait a minute how do you know I can sing?" I asked.

"You suddenly left yesterday, so I wanted to see if everything was going well. I went looking for you and found Levi at the entrance of the base. When we went inside we heard you." He explained.

"I am not ready to sing for others. It is already quite something that I sing again." I said.

"It's okey. Take your time." Levi said as he put his arm around my waist. After Brody and Aiden walked away Calvin's Ninja Comm went off.

"I need you in the base." I heard Mick say.

"We're here our way." Calvin said as we walked to the base.

"Everything okay Mick?" I asked as we walked into the base.

"Everything is fine. Redbot and I just wanted to show you something we've been working on." He said before he picked up a star and showed it to us. "This is called theninja fusion star it will harness the power of all 7 of your power stars so far it only has the Red energy on here."

"That explains why there's only 6 of us here instead of 7." I said.

"Preston would you mind going first?" Mick asked

"Sure" Preston stepped up and they worked together to add the blue energy to the fusion star followed by the yellow, white, pink, but the time we got around to add the gold and silver energy an alarm went off in the base.

"Uh oh Ripcon's attacking the city." Hayley said.

"That's not good" I said.

"We better get Brody before we deal with Ripcon." Sarah said.

"I think he's in the music room." I said. We went to the music room where we found Brody and Aiden who were practising there song for the talent show.

"Ripcon's attacking the city." Sarah told him

"Ripcon" Brody exclaimed before he put his guitar down and stood up in front of us. "He's tough. Last time we fought I barely escaped." Brody informed us as Calvin turned to Mick.

"Hey Mick what about that star you've been working on?" he questioned.

"The Ninja Fusion Star but remember it's not finished." Mick informed.

"Yeah, we still need to add my Gold energy." Levi added.

"And my Silver energy." I added.

"We'll buy some time while you guys finish the Fusion Star." Brody said as we started to exit the room.

I gave Mick my Power Star and left myself without it. 'Why was Aiden acting so weird yesterday? Why did he want us to give our Power Stars? Something's not right here! Could it be an imposter? and if so, where would the real Aiden be? And who or what is this Aiden?' I thought.

"Are you okay?" Levi asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Something's not right. I don't think Aiden is who he claims he is." I said to him.

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