Chapter 19: Monkey Business

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We were at the front desk. I was sitting on it and Levi was standing next to me. I leaned against him and had my head on his chest while he had his arm around my shoulders. Slowly my eyes closed. Last night I had gone to bed too late because Phoebe kept whining about ideas for a gift for our parents' wedding anniversary. I said I would like to help but couldn't be there. Phoebe disagreed and whined my ears off my head. "Are you okay, Bella?" Sarah asked concered making me open my eyes a little bit.

"She's just tired. She said Phoebe kept bothering her last night." Levi explained.

"She kept complaining about that I can't come to our parents' wedding anniversary. My parents don't mind because they understand." I said sleepy. "I'll be better soon." I reassured them as I lifted my head up a little so I could see them before placing it back.

"Morning guys." Brody said as I looked over, seeing Hayley and Calvin walk in, hand-in-hand.

"Looks like someone overslept." Preston joked, smiling as he walked up to Calvin.

"Stop, stop. She's so mad at me." Calvin whispered as Hayley looked at the student body election sign.

"Student body elections... Interesting." Hayley said, looking at the sign.

"That's right." Principal Hastings said, walking up to us. "You would make a good president, Hayley. You should run." Principal Hastings said, handing Hayley a clipboard and a pen.

"Yea... I should." Hayley said, signing it.

"Interested in running for President, Calvin? And what about you, Isabella?" Principal Hastings said, looking at the two of us.
Halley stifled a laugh as she looked at Calvin.

"A president needs to get things done. Calvin is too laid back. He can't even pick me up on time." Hayley said, smirking.

"Too laid back?" Calvin asked Hayley with a small smirk on his face.

"Yea."Hayley said, smirking back.

"Can't get things done?" Calvin asked her, a smirk now evident on his face.

"Yep." Hayley told him, still smirking.

"Well."Calvin said, writing his name down on the sign-up sheet."How's that for getting something done?" Calvin asked, showing Hayley his name. "I'm going to run for President, too." Calvin said, handing Principal Hastings the clipboard back.

"You? Really?" Hayley asked Calvin.

"Yep." Calvin said, looking at her.

"Isabella?" Principle Hastings asked as all my friends looked at me.

"No thank you." I said, shaking my head.

"Why not, you scared?" Sarah asked me.

"I'm not scared." I told her.

"Then why don't you sign up?" She asked me.

"Not after what happened in Hiddenville." I said shaking my head.

"You're just scared." Sarah said smirking.

"I'm not scared. It's because I already know what's going to happen here. Someone is going to sabotage the other or others. Not that I think Calvin and Hayley are going to do that, but someone else is going to do it. The same thing happened with Max and Phoebe. Phoebe wanted to become class president, so she let me, Max and Cherry ask her questions. Max started to complain about the questions we had to ask and became class president. Phoebe was angry because he used her ideas and thereby sabotaged his plans." I explained. "So I won't sign up. Success Hayley and Calvin." I added

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